You are in a simulation my man
Souta: "The true real world is my world. That's why I said—you're a doll inside a doll inside another doll."
Anime & Comics · I_Love_Hina
New Dragonball favourite Fanfiction by now, its fantastic.
your math isnt mathing
(Represents available energy for magic, abilities, and special skills. Formula: (Intelligence × 12) + (Charm × 3))
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Yeah, potential my a**
"Don't worry. Given how complex I've made this system, it'll be quite nice to use... Oh, I almost forgot." The old man chuckled. "The system will disappear once you reach a certain point. After that, you'll have to rely on yourself to grow stronger."
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Potential equals weak to strong and a lot of chapters, good try author
"I want you to earn it," the old man said. "So, instead of granting you the full power of the Shadow Monarch, I'll give you a weakened version—one with the potential to become even stronger than the original."
Anime & Comics · itachi1010
Well because without one ruler with a spine, you get French.
The coffin dancers are for you, maam
That should be easy.
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
not really. weak to strong are overrated
As for the 'God Seal,' those familiar with Odin, the All-Father of the Marvel Universe, would understand. At this moment, Han Yu was no less powerful than a Skyfather-level deity.
Anime & Comics · Glimmer09
Yes they do
『Effect 1: Memory Recall – Allows Pokémon to remember moves they once knew but had forgotten.』
Video Games · Zaelum
Like we all are
Souta: "The true real world is my world. That's why I said—you're a doll inside a doll inside another doll."
Multiversal Friendship System
Anime & Comics · I_Love_Hina