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17 days ago

I kinda hope that he didn’t kill him.

1 months ago

Great chapter. Anyway, I’m also curious to see some flashbacks based on when and how the SI-ed Aegon II and Viserys became so close as father and son due to how very shocked I am that Viserys I has changed his mind about Rhaenyra: being his heir and that he’s realized and admitted what a terrible dad that he has been to his and Alicent’s children. Also, the SI is the one who’s spent more time with Viserys for these past dozen years than Rhaenyra has at this point. Aegon has also proven to have the makings of a strong and dutiful king who’ll never be intimidated nor manipulated the likes of Daemon and Otto in this AU or perhaps at least that is some of the conclusions. That Viserys may’ve probably reflected upon and reached in his mind.

1 months ago

Great chapter, if I were Aegon II. Then, I would’ve figured out a way to have Otto Larys and Daemon killed as quietly and quickly as possible long before this war ever started.

1 years ago

"Spies are a most important element in war, because on them depends an army's ability to move ♟️" — Sun Tzu, The Art of War. 🐉 ⚔️ "The end and aim🎯of spying in all its five varieties is knowledge📚🎓🕸️ of the🐍enemy; and this knowledge can only be derived, in the first☝️instance from the converted spy🥷. Hence it is ⚠️essential that the converted spy🕵️‍♀️ be treated with the utmost liberality." - Sun Tzu, The Art of War. 🐉 ⚔️ “Never attempt to win by force 💪 ⚔️ what can be won by deception 🎭.” — Niccollo Machiavelli, The Prince.♟️ “All warfare is based on deception.🐍 There is no place where espionage is not used. Offer the enemy bait to lure him.” — Sun Tzu, The Art of War.🐉⚔️ “Caesar set the ideal for all🤴leaders and people of power. Like him, you🧠 must learn to enlarge your actions 🎬 through dramatic techniques ♟️ such as surprise 🫢.” — Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.♟ “Do the unexpected. Attack the 🐍🥷unprepared.” — Zhuge Liang The SI definitely outmaneuvered them within three moves. It’s like everybody else in the Game of Thrones are there playing 3D checkers while he plays♟️ 4D chess. She was caught in Baelon’s trap the moment Daemon got used to fish her out as bait 🎣. By placing her in his pocket and using her to destroy Larys. He is basically killing two birds 🦅 with one stone 🪨 by removing🐍 a deadly foe in the future and blinding the Greens by stealing 90% of the spy network installed in the Red Keep 🏰. Which means: his enemies won’t able to actually predict what he does next.

1 years ago

“A friend 🎭 to all is a friend to none.” — Aristotle “Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who aren’t 🦹‍♂️ good. Hence a prince who wants to keep his authority must learn how not to be 🐍 good, and use that knowledge 🧠 , or refrain from using it, as necessity ⚖️ requires.” — Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince.♟️ “The strength of a family, like the 🪖 strength of an army, lies in its loyalty to each other.” — Mario Puzo “To be👑emperor of China was to be alone, surrounded by a pack of 🐍 🐺 enemies—it was the least powerful🗡️🎯least secure position in the realm.” — Robert Greene Yeah, he ain’t going to suck up to that people pleasing hypocrite. It’d just be a waste of time. Also, I wouldn’t really trust any of the Greens to have the SI-ed Aegon’s back 24/7 either. I feel like Otto and the rest of the sycophants or schemers in the king’s court prefers a weak figurehead over an effective and self-reliant monarch. The SI knows he must tread carefully when it comes to living as a member of a dysfunctional family like the Targaryens. 🐉

1 years ago

Wait, did King Viserys also tell the MC not only about his dragon dreams but also Aegon the Conqueror’s dream as well: The Song of Ice and Fire? If so, I wonder how exactly Rhaenyra’s going to feel about that. Anyhow, I love how Maegor subtly mocked Otto about his possible senility during their wordplay match. He basically just told him: You aren’t the King, buddy, so that means I don’t answer to you nor have to follow your orders. Also, you aren’t as secure and irreplaceable as you think.

1 years ago

I bet after both the Blacks and Greens hear of Maegor’s actions in the North. That the Rogue Prince will most likely be wearing this totally proud smirk on his face 😏 thinking, ‘That’s my boy!’
