Thank you for everything man! Though I hope you just went on a haitus and if you feel like it, translate the fanfic when you have time or whenever you feel like it, you have the final choice and I accept that. It's been a good ride.
Este libro ha sido eliminado.
Man, I forgot this anime existed. It's been so long since I watched it... It's wholesome, I recommend it.
Sophie Twilight
Anime & Comics · Mozuto
Take your time, writing is not about speed.
isn't this viego's sword (from league of legends)?
Mithrandir -> EX
Anime & Comics · SplendidPuma
Why were there some blurred parts on the past chapter? The #### thing.
Wait until you read at readwn. Its somewhat readable as this fanfic but along the way your mind will have a breakdown. Though some translations can be funny because it sometimes translates to something like your private parts.
For how long though? Please keep touch with the readers from time to time to reassure us that this will not be dropped. Anyways take your time and keep at your own pace. We will wait for you.
At least use " " for dialogue and ' ' for thoughts...
Yooooo is that a hail the king reference I see?
DxD: Random Reward System
Anime & Comics · Ctrlaltpgup