

male LV 1
2020-11-25 Se unió Germany
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Insignias 3

Moments 87
3 years ago
Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

Uh, because he wants to? Why bother acing them when they don't matter? Just sounds like extra effort. He only has to make sure he can get to the next grade and not get held back.

It was Aunt May's turn to roll her eyes as she replied to me, "You can try fooling your teachers but I've asked Pete and he tells me you've helped him with some of his homework stop flunking all your tests!" she reprimanded me with a light smack on the back of the head which I had to roll with to avoid May hurting her hand off my skull's sheer hardness.

MCU: Viltrumite

MCU: Viltrumite

Movies · Stan_Wheeler

3 years ago
Replied to ArtoriaPendragon_

I'll change Hulk to 2008 and leave Iron Man for 2010 then.

It's currently 2002, so if this truly is the MCU, I have six years until canon starts. So, uh, not a lot of time.

MCU: Viltrumite

MCU: Viltrumite

Movies · Stan_Wheeler

3 years ago
Replied to Mysteryon

At least you get how bad Viltrumite instincts can be lol.

It's okay to enjoy the fighting, just don't take it too far. Don't do something you'll regret. Even so, this doesn't mean I regret what I did earlier today or that I'll refrain from doing it again if the situation truly calls for it. What it does mean is that I'll try and keep a cooler head in the future and try to keep a leash on my instincts.

MCU: Viltrumite

MCU: Viltrumite

Movies · Stan_Wheeler

3 years ago
Replied to Flaashii

That's not how maturing works lmao. You don't add up someone's life and get their mental age - like, who even came up with that notion? It's beyond stupid. He hasn't lived as an *****, he hasn't had a full-time job, he hasn't had a serious relationship, he hasn't even had a house of his own or even paid taxes. Why would he be as mature as someone in their thirties despite having not done any of the activities or experiencing the things they would have experienced or done to get to their age? He hasn't even experienced the world outside of the school system yet and you're saying he should be as mature as a 31-year-old lol? Get out of here with that bogus logic, my guy. Plus, people who are mature, don't say 'I was mature at *insert age here*' lmao. Chances are you really weren't all that mature and are just lying on the internet like a majority of people - like me, my name is neither Stan Wheeler and I don't live in Germany.

Hearing him, I nodded, a smile growing across my face as I felt some weight get lifted off my shoulders. I guess I was feeling like a bad person because I enjoyed the violence of beating those guys up...but that doesn't mean I am a bad guy. I didn't take it too far, nor was I excessively cruel when I did what I did.

MCU: Viltrumite

MCU: Viltrumite

Movies · Stan_Wheeler

3 years ago
Replied to Yui_the_Kitsune

The word 'Ass'. Some people consider that swearing - not in my household, however. 'Ass' is a pretty decent word and has many uses. Describing someone, describing a certain body part, it's another name for a Donkey, etc, etc.

Turning to his wife, he smiled apologetically, "Sorry, May. My bad," he laughed wryly, answering his wife who was otherwise quite lovely - except when it came to things like cursing. When it came to that, she was quite strict. Very, very strict.

MCU: Viltrumite

MCU: Viltrumite

Movies · Stan_Wheeler

3 years ago
Replied to Scot_Grey

For a person? Sure. For a character? Not so much. Having your MC show some selfish tendencies can make them more relatable but building an entire personality around selfishness? That'll leave you with a hollow character who ends up getting power for power's sake and being an arsehole most of the time.

I'm no saint. God knows I won't be as good a hero as Pete will be. But I still want to be one - because what good are powers when you don't help people? I guess that's a slightly naive way of thinking, however. Power is power, no matter what it's used for.

MCU: Viltrumite

MCU: Viltrumite

Movies · Stan_Wheeler

3 years ago
Replied to GlassyHades

That's fair. I guess you could say I'm the same as well - I just like seeing the characters get fleshed out at the same time too.

3 years ago
Replied to not_important_0608

Oh, no, he definitely understands that some people will need to die. Not common criminals but certain villains like the Green Goblin? Yeah, they need to die. He'll also be prone to killing when angered, as are most Viltrumites.

3 years ago
Replied to ArtoriaPendragon_

I'm still trying to decide whether or not to have it as a harem or just have a few different pairings throughout the novel like how it'd go in real life. I'm fairly sure I'm going to have the MC get with one of the Mutant girls he's met but it won't be a happily-ever-after type deal where they never break up.

3 years ago
Replied to yhwach

Yeah, most likely. It's shitty but what can he do? He can't force himself to return her feelings.

  • MCU: Viltrumite original

    MCU: Viltrumite



    Honestly, it's kinda hard to explain how I got to where I am right now. Why? Because my run in with...whatever sent me here, fried my brain and caused me to lose a few key memories. But I'll tell you what I do know! I'm in the MCU, I was reincarnated into a new body and was born as a child and raised by some very loving family members who took me in after my mother and father disappeared overnight. I don't seem to be a normal human either - how do I know that? Well, when I was 2-years-old, I picked up the sofa one-handed when no one was looking. How do I know I'm in the MCU? Well, I saw Tony Stark on the TV once and the family members who took me in were May and Ben Parker...and the child they're also taking care of is Peter Parker. My cousin. Sooo I'm pretty sure this is the MCU. Well, better start getting ready to save the world, right? (A/N - MC doesn't know he's a Viltrumite-Human Hybrid, so he's just gonna go off the assumption he's either a Mutant, an Inhuman or just generally from an Alien Species of super strong people. But he will find out he's one in the future.)

    7 Chs 2.6k Colecciones

  • Demonic Cultivator In A Divine War original

    Demonic Cultivator In A Divine War


    A person who ripped through the Martial World. A person who brought nations to their knees. Japan, China, Korea--all of their efforts were crushed in front of this man. This very demonic man. But he had a secret. He'd been reincarnated. His first life was hell - he belonged to a poor family, and to make matters worse his family was caught in a car accident...and his father and mother were killed while his sister was hospitalized. Holding the last of his family up on his own, this man overworked himself and died, only to find himself in a new world filled with martial arts and superhumans. Yet even that life was bound for ruin. Despite becoming the Heavenly Demon of the Martial World, a walking calamity, he was still alone. And his solidarity was what allowed his enemies a chance at killing him...which succeeded. But what would this man do if he was given a third chance? A demon like him wouldn't mind making a deal with the devil, would he? And thus, that's how he got involved in a war between the Gods and their Avatars. The battlefield? A world of anime. (Gonna be drawing heavily from 'Descent of the Demonic Master' for inspiration, so don't go complaining, yeah? Things are gonna go different than the original, I'm just using it as a foundation, I guess.)

    2 Chs 66 Colecciones