Truth be told, I had NO SCRIPT I made this story straight from my head, and I didn't reread everything before I posted it because I was new to this. Still kind of am. There will be some Weird and Broken things that don't make sense, but I'm working on it. This is still the [Rough Version], which will work as a "Template" of sorts when I fix everything and actually (Probably) male a Script. Thank you for Reading, as well as letting me know your Ideas. I hope you can continue to give me Feedback and point out things that can be Changed.
Thanks for pointing this out. It was actually originally 100 Starting Stat Points, but then I realized that it didn't make much sense. I changed it to 1000 Points, since it would seem more Logical with the Story. I might still need to fix some things, so not everything will seem Wack and Weird. Thank You again.
No Prob. :3 If you have any "Skills" that you want in the game, then send me a list or something. Thank You :D
No Problem :) There will still need to be a LOT of improvement in the future though, so don't hesitate to throw criticism my way ;)
I see what you mean. To be honest, I have little to no idea what I'm doing, since this is my first time writing a story. I am using this story as more of a "Template" for when, or if I make a better version of it. I also agree that the "Bully" aesthetic is extremely overused. And about the "Real World" and "VR" Parts of the story, there will always be more of that to come, but sorry nonetheless. I guess I did add a bit too many parts that didn't follow the "VR" Theme of my story. And about the Info, I guess I do seem to overhaul on a lot of it. I'll try to see what I could do about it. Thank you for the honest review, and I hope that you can point out some more things that seem "Over the top".
I feel you there. Instead of [Power Up = Consumption Up] I'm making it so that the "Effects" of a Skill/Spell will increase, while the "Consumption" stays the same, or even decreases. So with this, no more losing MP for more Strength :D Also, Spells might come later, so look forward to that :3
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Games · _LucXy
Why thank you :)
Thank you fot the comment. I'm a beginner at this, so I'm just wtiring what I think feels right to me. So going down the list, 1 : I actually forgot to put something for the outside world that would memtion the game, so sorry for that. 2 : I didn't mention players, but they're there. Sorry for the little to no interaction or esthetic of players from the game. 3 : The Stats do seem weird, don't they? I'll see if I can fix that at some point. The HP System will probably be something like "Creatures have a damage range that decreases if the player has more Defence". So the Damage will be based off of the opponent instead of some random system. The Defence will just be simple subtraction of Dmg-Def=HpLoss. 4 : Adults. I really need to think more about the overall situation of things, and not just the main focus. Sorry about that. 5 : I'm using the App, but my Authors Notes wouldn't save, so I'm probably gonna see if I can fix that. With that done, I apologize for my lack of background knowledge. Thank you for the Feedback, and please tell me if there are other parts that could use some fixing. I might try to make a Polished Version on Paper, then Release it when I find none of the problems that I see here. Thank You!
oops The Original Stats used to be in the 100's, but then the Stats didn't make sense, so I changed it to the 1000's. I missed that, so thanks for pointing it out.
Sors Mea Online (SMO) [Rough Version]
Games · _LucXy