The gendering translations in this novel is so, so bad it really gets hard to read sometimes.
Translation has been all over the place. Guessing this is another MTL.
Not a bad start, looking forward to finding out more about the world. Always seems strange for internal wars when there are external enemies, and other races. But I guess that seems to be accepted as human nature.
Look see, he just gave it a go. No harm no foul right. Nothing to see here, move it along people. There is a scientific explanation for all of this lol.
9022 and only 13 iphones? At least say pearphone or whatever the usual insert is instead. Unless that was typo and this is set in 2022. In which case at least don't use common brands from our world lol
This is actually stupid. She knows he is the dao seed, and she would know that it is only because of him that the dad was not murdered at the door. She also would have seen that he had the flowers, which are the only cure to the poison. The only choice she could have made here is to save the son, because otherwise the clan will probably just execute her and the father for letting him die. This entire story has made zero sense, with characters making the most stupid decisions at every turn. I hope everyone drops this trash and please don't spend another fast pass on it to discourage this sort of terrible writing in the future.
This is dumb, any hunters capable of bringing in something like a tiger kings penis would so outclass your crappy fighters that you would just be slaughtered trying to rob them. People at the bottom like this usually have good instincts about who and what to rob. They certainly wouldn't randomly go after some mountain hunters like this for no reason as it risks at least one or more deaths, gauranteed.
I would have sold it. She was just told that it was at least two drops in power lower than her mothers, and one level lower than the angels. Owning robes thay will be forever weaker than the other members of the family seems like a bad call. Use the money to develop further, it's not like she will be in hand to hand combat any time soon.
The An family never did anything to him though. He seems to be becoming more and more demonic just absorbing people and less about having his family safe. Will probably drop this in a few more chapters, just want to find out what this banquet was all about but after that, MC is just not clicking and is too bloodthirsty and trending towards evil.
Has he already forgotten the rule to not do anything the driver asked?
I Slaughtered Through the Dungeon Worlds with My Cheats
Eastern · Lonely Xiaowen