

female LV 2

Christian, American, Georgia, wife, dog mom, pre-k teacher, dancer, writer, swimmer, dog walker, baseball fan

2020-11-05 Se unió United States
Obras originales
Insignias 5

Moments 97
10 months ago
Replied to Aituaje_Okosun_5555


After a couple failed attempts at the market booths, they find an interested buyer. However, he's much more interested in Margaret's bracelet and ring, recent gives from Gilthunder and her family. Without a second thought, she agrees and hands them over, to the gasp of the others. The buyer hands her 3 sacks full of money. They have absolutely no idea how much money this is nor what amount these foreign coins represent; they just hope it's enough to last for a while.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

Anime & Comics · balletangel19

10 months ago
Replied to Aituaje_Okosun_5555

Veronica is more of an adventuress, sword fighting tomboy while Margarat isn't.

Veronica stands unusually quiet. She's just as worried about her elder sister as Gilthunder, yet she's also feeling a bit envious that it was her demure sister accidentally sent to a dangerous and possibly exciting adventure in a faraway land instead of her, along with Elizabeth.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

Anime & Comics · balletangel19

1 years ago
Replied to ItsNotTheMoon

Because I preferred it when Meliodas couldn't fly, at least not all the time. I just think it makes things too easy if he can just fly from one location to another. He simply lost that ability again after defeating the Supreme Deity, although he can still fly in extreme emergencies.

"What's coming?" Then he feels it too and they both look up at the sky. Coming towards them is a fireball. It's moving so fast they just barely get a glimpse of it when they hear a huge crash-landing explosion, which shakes the land. The lovers look at each and nod. Elizabeth's goddess wings appear, she picks up Meliodas (who no longer has the power to fly, not that he's really bothered by it) and they take to the air. Thirty miles from the meadow they find a huge crater. Smoke and fire sparks burn from and around the it. Investigating, they're shocked to discover that nothing's in there except ash and small black rocks. They look around but discover nothing that could have made the crater. Meliodas picks up the strange, burning hot, black rocks.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

Anime & Comics · balletangel19

2 years ago
Replied to Spabsta

Great Britian or England was known as Britannia or Britian during the Middle Ages. As far as I know, the words of England and English weren't known or used. That's why I called the language Britiannian/British. I don't actually know what the language was called back then. Some parts of the story I'm trying to stay historically accurate (at least as far as I'm able to find out.) However, as with most anime, including The Seven Deadly sins, I do break some of the rules, such as modernish clothing and food which technically didn't exist yet.

2 years ago
Replied to Spabsta

They're taking about a magic salt that will transport to unintended locations if used wrong. It only works properly during a full moon.

2 years ago
Replied to TrueCulture_io123

Not what I meant, but to each their own.

Despite everything, Guila has developed genuine feelings for Gowther and has tried to convince him to hang out with her again. Gowther, while the feeling is mutual, still feels guilt over what he did to Guila and Zeal and thinks it's best not to get too close to her out of concern of hurting them again. Besides, he's interfered with their lives enough and has the memories of his love Nadja to sustain him.

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

The Seven Deadly Sins: Missing Pieces to the Puzzle

Anime & Comics · balletangel19

2 years ago

Seems like somebody is literally has a pin and a book of life/fate and keeps changing the possible outcome as they go along. LOL
