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Recommend me some stuff to read :)

2020-10-25 Se unió Global

Insignias 9

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Replied to Zorpaar

Wasn’t sure if it was true since every time it’s brought up they use the anime version of it.

[You have gifted disciple a collection of Taijutsu insights, disciple deeply appreciates, reward triggers super critical hit, receiving reward—Armament Haki (Perfect level)]

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja


I’ve heard that armament haki isn’t actually visible and it was only made visible for the anime, is that true?

[You have gifted disciple a collection of Taijutsu insights, disciple deeply appreciates, reward triggers super critical hit, receiving reward—Armament Haki (Perfect level)]

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja

Replied to First_Endless


After looting the Bodies I looked at the cell with a mage and tried to open the lock I thought it would be difficult but it was easy when I hit it at the right angle it produces a click sound so it was easier to lockpick than I thought.

Dominar: Skyrim

Dominar: Skyrim

Video Games · First_Endless



Sukuna is currently physically weaker than he was during the previous fight, having around 15-16 fingers worth of strength after the piece of his soul patched up some of the damage, so he defaulted to a barrier so he could heal as much of the damage sustained as possible while keeping the both Naohiro and Gojo at a distance.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt

Jujutsu Kaisen: Nah I'd Adapt

Anime & Comics · JaxWolf4

Replied to Dominus_Imperius


According to the wiki, the first Dread Beast appeared over one hundred years ago, around the same time as the first quirk-enhanced human. But humanity lost out on the evolutionary arms race. Civilization collapsed with governments scrambling to establish secure strongholds. Only nine survived the test of time, eventually becoming the Nine Bastions, the only safe havens left for humankind. 

MHA Paragon

MHA Paragon

Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn

Replied to GyroJapster

Meh, peter has tons of potential partners.


But most of all, he was kind and sometimes a little sweet. He was always looking out for them when he didn't need to. Honestly, she thought he would have been better off without them, but he always included them.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

Replied to monkedance


For this Doom shall grasp all he desires.

I Am Doom (Marvel)

I Am Doom (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever

Replied to Blackheart99

Got something for you


Their Hidden Cloud Village excelled in Lightning Release NinTaijutsu. The Konoha ninjas might not use Fire Release, but the ninjas from the Land of Lightning's Hidden Cloud Village were almost all proficient in Lightning Release NinTaijutsu.

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Anime & Comics · ChaosNinja


Shikari/Hunter is a proper name, At least in English. Not sure how you decided that Arun, which was derived from “make a run” is better but hey we all have a different mindset.


There were a ton of things that were going on in his mind at that moment. But it is then he decided that he would rather be called Arun, which at least is a proper name, than be called Shikari.

Strongest Hunter's Ascension

Strongest Hunter's Ascension

Fantasy · YashVardhan_OG



Yes, this was her opportunity to alter her destiny, and she struggled to contain the mad grin spreading across her face. If this was the offering of the third gate, she mused as her heavenly restriction worked tirelessly to mend the damage inflicted by its power, what wonders might the fourth and fifth gates hold for her?

Cursed Eyes (Itachi in JJk)

Cursed Eyes (Itachi in JJk)

Anime & Comics · FreddySZN

Replied to nunya_business_3493

Agreed, ross, reed, and xavier are my most hated.

General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross sat at the head of the table, his steely gaze sweeping over the assembled officers and defense contractors. The room was tense, the air heavy with unspoken frustrations and ambitions. . On the table in front of him was a dossier marked with the name "Tony Stark."

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

Replied to Wander

I was thinking more like uncle and nephew.

"If that kid can really figure out my arc reactor tech then I wonder what sort of thing he'll make with it." Tony said with a hint of excitement. "Well whatever it is I'll just surpass him. There's no way I'll let someone do better than me in my own field." With that said he went back to work

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

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