As far as Paul was concerned, the best thing Gardevoir could do was lay plenty of eggs.
Anime & Comics · Daoist2gGmmV
Having heard enough, Paul turned and left the Pokémon Center, heading east toward the forest.
Anime & Comics · Daoist2gGmmV
"Will you enter on your own, or shall I send you in myself?"
Anime & Comics · Daoist2gGmmV
For Paul's team, however, pity was meaningless. Pokémon like Electabuzz would likely tease Ralts by making it cry even more if it were present.
Anime & Comics · Daoist2gGmmV
Paul immediately recognized the Pokémon, which would evolve into what fans often called the "Waifu Pokémon."
Anime & Comics · Daoist2gGmmV
Ignore it. Just grind
But that should be expected since we just entered season 2. Meaning, the war with the Apollo Familia is coming. I wonder how that will go, lol.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
"Eh? We have one in home."
Anime & Comics · SolaceViolet
"You shouldn't flood your brain with so much cursed energy. And that's not reverse cursed energy, just you getting high by sudden flooding of energy in your brain."
Anime & Comics · SolaceViolet
How about sacrificing money for power. Like the Fitzgerald from bungo stray dog
Maybe I should try a binding vow? To boost my physical stats in return of giving up my innate cursed technique.
Anime & Comics · SolaceViolet
Rex was already in the next room, whistling as he walked away like he wasn't the cause of the destruction in the room. It took a while for the rumbling and crash to die down, and by then Rex was two rooms over, yet he could still faintly hear it.
Danmachi: Scavenger
Anime & Comics · Emerging