Shit, the image is too big, webnovel can't take it
He was concerned because 22,000 men could make a significant difference. Yi-Ti, comparable in size to one of the Seven Kingdoms—such as the Reach, Dorne, Riverlands, or the Vale of Arryn—had a total army of 40,000 men with a few hundred samurai. The Mongols had 80,000 men and controlled the province. They had already eliminated 10,000 Yi-Ti soldiers, losing only 5,000 of their own. These 22,000 Articans would greatly bolster Yi-Ti's defense as the Mongols attempted to advance westward.
Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
The author never criticized democracy, he criticized politicians. He implemented a vote system, but he doesn't want people who know nothing about running a nation to get elected, so he allows only people that are already working in the governement to run for election.
A country can only be run by managers, kings, and dictators. America is run by the managerial class, Russia and China are run by dictators and kings. As for India, sadly, it is mostly run by politicians, with only Prime Minister Modi looking at it as a big business from a manager's perspective.
History · Mithun_ReddyGaru
It's been so long I can't remember. But don't expect the quality to become normal level, it's still below average, but readable
or this one
Yours is a little too fantasy. This one is more accurate I think
Merry Christmas 🎄
Well done comrade
Tempest's society functioned through communal effort. Everyone worked hard at their jobs and shared what they produced with the rest. There was no need to buy food. If someone needed it, they could simply ask for it. Clothes were freely given, houses were built for those who needed them, and all necessities were provided without cost.
Anime & Comics · BonVoyage
Mine is 8.15am to 5.45pm
The class schedule for junior wizards at Hogwarts was from Monday to Friday, with lessons from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the morning and 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM in the afternoon.
Book&Literature · HornyFBI
1. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes!!
The Backbender (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Anime & Comics · Frosty_heavens1