Webnovel Author: Damon_Jager - Fanfic Collection



LV 4
2020-10-16 Se unió United States

Insignias 4

Moments 550



"Oh, where are my manners call me Kurai, you look like your having a rough time over here." She sat down and moved her hand for a hand shake.

An Engineers Lament

An Engineers Lament

Others · Damon_Jager


General idea of the base

Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



At the Olympic HQis at the base of the mountain of the same name, which had been practically hollowed out for the massive network of tunnels that act as Labs and testing rooms, while massive complexes jutted out of the mountain for living, recreational, and manufacturing areas making the entire base self sufficient in food production.

Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



Using a new type of steel alloy and a jet powered locomotive, now a trip that would normally take three days is now one and a half. Currently it's only being used by the military but civilian use is expected to start soon.

Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



"I did my Duty Mr.President that is all, if it just so happens to make you quite wealthy well what can you do, speaking of that I'll be submitting a vehicle that will help with reconstruction in Europe." I shrugged my shoulders at the statement as it was also true I now had more patents in my name than any human being on the planet as the allied nations were using my inventions like my construction mechs to rebuild Europe.

Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



It was true upon being reborn in the 30s I dedicated myself to pushing the technology level of the USA to get ready for the coming conflict, Helicopters, Jet Aircraft, and even proto-mechs which directly lead to the war ending several months earlier and the Americans taking Berlin.

Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



It was true upon being reborn in the 30s I dedicated myself to pushing the technology level of the USA to get ready for the coming conflict, Helicopters, Jet Aircraft, and even proto-mechs which directly lead to the war ending several months earlier and the Americans taking Berlin.

Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



It was true upon being reborn in the 30s I dedicated myself to pushing the technology level of the USA to get ready for the coming conflict, Helicopters, Jet Aircraft, and even proto-mechs which directly lead to the war ending several months earlier and the Americans taking Berlin.

Multiversal USA

Multiversal USA

Others · Damon_Jager



Ros then runs as fast as he can over the nearest hill as his partner Palewind took flight till the crested a large hill and Palewind divided towards her partner, and as flew down Ros jumps into the air and joins his partner as one taking the form of a Eagle the size of a man took flight towards Barrowhill.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager



She gave Rodrik a sly smile and pulled a small handled whistle like device ,"Don't shoot my pets please." She then took a deep breath and blew into her war horn Rodrick then realized as two monsters appeared from the river.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager


Cross between


She gave Rodrik a sly smile and pulled a small handled whistle like device ,"Don't shoot my pets please." She then took a deep breath and blew into her war horn Rodrick then realized as two monsters appeared from the river.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager



Here one of the four greatest changes to Barrowtown is sat, the new Barrowhall which has been completely revamped, the old hall is to be encapsulated in stone to keep the history of the old Hall, while the rest completely changed and or expanded with the future in mind.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager


This kind of thing with lots of color


Barrowtown had been an almost completely Wooden town and Castle meaning a small fire would decimate the town in moments and the risk of that occurring had been growing exponentially with the advancement in Steel manufacturing and Coal being used in heating homes.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager



[The Teutonic Order is a Catholic religious institution founded as a military society c. 1190 in Acre, Kingdom of Jerusalem. The Order of Brothers of the German House of Saint Mary in Jerusalem was formed to aid Christians on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals. *Summons a chapter of 15th Century Knights that are Loyal and Dedicated to House Dustin and the old gods 500 Knights with Equipment.*]

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager

Replied to oppaidaisuke_69

The plan currently is for another reincarnation to do it, with Were-forces they are much stronger than the Avg army. In addition the infastructure of gunpowder is pretty extensive, so it requires more manpower than the Barrowlands have as the current projects are taking up large chunks even with advances in agriculture.

By the time he reached the gate house he saw the men of house Dustin, and in addition to the normal Dustin symbol of two axes crossed is a large Gold Eagle utop a black background and he was certainly impressed as he saw 20 men sat upon beautifully maintained horses all wearing half plate and pristine blue uniforms wielding a type of crossbow that he had never seen before.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager

Replied to thotieslayer

No still Corssbows

By the time he reached the gate house he saw the men of house Dustin, and in addition to the normal Dustin symbol of two axes crossed is a large Gold Eagle utop a black background and he was certainly impressed as he saw 20 men sat upon beautifully maintained horses all wearing half plate and pristine blue uniforms wielding a type of crossbow that he had never seen before.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager


I’ll probably change it it just sounded funny at the time lol

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In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager



What drew most of his attention was each man had a massive bald eagle sat upon a specialized roost on the back of half of the men's horses while the others had a set of large bull horns on the front of there cheats and at the front these men who he assumes is Lord Rodrik Dustin who he soon realized had a striking resemblance to his late brother.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager


Lord Dustin


What drew most of his attention was each man had a massive bald eagle sat upon a specialized roost on the back of half of the men's horses while the others had a set of large bull horns on the front of there cheats and at the front these men who he assumes is Lord Rodrik Dustin who he soon realized had a striking resemblance to his late brother.

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

In Asoiaf with a Gacha

Book&Literature · Damon_Jager

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