Webnovel Author: HopOffMe - Fanfic Collection



male LV 14

Hmm seems like I can’t remember why I am still alive

2020-10-13 Se unió Global

Insignias 10

Moments 796

Replied to PizzaStopsTime

Power seal comes when he actually gains… [REDACTED].

[Skills: Holding Back (Novice+), Vaporizing Energy Wave (Novice), Semi-Legendary Hand-to-Hand Combat (Novice+)]

Entwined Destinies: Demons & Dungeons

Entwined Destinies: Demons & Dungeons

Anime & Comics · HopOffMe


I didn’t want to leave a comment but I guess I have to. There are many people that go into these dungeons, the main way to beat the dungeon? JUMP THE ABSOLUTE F*** OUT OF THEM!


'How are the other people supposed to beat these things…?' he wondered, after all he was confident in his strength compared to all the other students, yet here he was struggling this much against an area boss…

I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!

I Own EVERY Class in This World: Life Set to HELL Mode!

Fantasy · EndKun

Replied to Mikerules_1200

I love this review, that’s really all I can say. I don’t have time to write a paragraph or three so I’ll just address the issues. 1. The grammatical issues: I am human and can’t catch all of the issues that are there. I do check my work but there are times that I fail to find issues. If you see any issues then by all means leave a comment that points it out. 2. The HP Values: I was thinking of having it like this: [Damage Taken (Max HP)]. Aka [-100 (800)] So that you know how much HP is left instead of having to do math yourself. 3. Chapter 8-11 have many switches in time and place. This was due to me setting something up but I understand how that can get confusing. If I am going to go back in time then I’ll try and do it in a way that has a character explain it. It’ll be a POV switch but as a retelling from that character. 4. Dust as a character is kept vague until he truly reveals himself. I’ll explain his backstory in a certain… chapter. It’ll go more in-depth into his character and his feelings. 5. Upload schedule: It’s hard to say this due to the way I have to re-write certain parts but I’ll try and keep it to a chapter every 2-3 days at minimum. I just need to get back into my flow. This was done on my phone so please excuse the massive amount of grammar mistakes. I’ll try and explain the world more as we go along. It is only chapter 14 and the main character hasn’t even left the dungeon so please be patient and continue reading this story.


Author I give you props for this, he’s giving them all these special treatments due to the fact people from their neck of the woods will be there to pick them up. It’s quite easy to see as he knows they’ll come just due to the fact that the counter attack hasn’t happened yet. By cultivating favor among the women, those women will tell the soldiers or army coming to get them that they’re not bad people and allow their relations to grow which may spark trade. This ties into them not wanting to look weak as if they were too weak then the army would rather get rid of them than trade with them. I’m half asleep reading this but when I saw this part I awoke a bit.

The change among the southern women was noticeable, with their semi-naked slave attire replaced by warm, normal northern clothing. In fact, this mess tent initiative had started just a few days ago. Lord Ülgen had created an opportunity to keep the women occupied and allow them to earn some money before Vinumregnum arrived. Linda, hearing of the opportunity, had accepted it without hesitation and organized the women. As a result, three mess tents had been set up near the training grounds, the tower construction site, and the walls.

The Descent of the Conqueror

The Descent of the Conqueror

Fantasy · CcSupremecC


I would equal it to being surprised that ants can float by grabbing each other and forming a small ball on the water. Of course as a human we are way smarter and better than them but sometimes we are awed by the small things. Ants live such short lives but get things done so efficiently.

On average, a white dragon hatchling would reach about four and a half meters in height by the age of fifteen, just like Tolp. However, he had developed a strength that could rival white dragons ten years older than him. If a human possessed this kind of power, they could confidently declare their dominion and gather thousands of people under their banner. Of course, if they couldn't use their brains, they would be swallowed up by greater powers in an instant, but that part didn't concern Ülgen. Azderos, where humans lived, wasn't in the central region of the plane.

The Descent of the Conqueror

The Descent of the Conqueror

Fantasy · CcSupremecC


Wasn’t going to leave a comment but this is exactly what Sukuna did 😭


The passage of time seemed to accelerate with his focused endeavor. He didn't know how much time had passed, but it didn't matter. While his body was forming, his sibling's formation had slowed and begun to regress. If he proceeded as he wished, it wouldn't take long for him to slowly move his body and start consuming his sibling.

The Descent of the Conqueror

The Descent of the Conqueror

Fantasy · CcSupremecC

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