Black Flash, that was his plan. hmm, nice.
"Buying time till he arrives."
Anime & Comics · SonderNow
You're not the only one, I feel the same about that. it's way too repetitive and you can see that a mile away.
The person in the shinobi god's thoughts however was currently being berated and beaten up by a red-haired woman whilst thinking whether he should give said woman an existential crisis.
Anime & Comics · NarutoAuthor
I am very curious to see what his Targaryen will be, I hope you will reveal it very soon.
With a more serious tone, he whispered to both of them: "Also, don't be afraid. Fear kills the soul and erodes determination."
TV · TheGreatPrince
let them ally with Jon, it will be a waste to die, they are very valuable.
I'd also like your opinion on another matter—the fate of the Children of the Forest. Do you think they deserve a chance at survival? Given their ancient wisdom and power, I believe they shouldn't be allowed to fade into extinction.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
A question, will you change his Targaryen name from Aegon to something else?
Daenerys all the way bro. it works for me
Man, I'm sorry for your brother. this is the fifth post I came across about women cheating, this fucking generation man no loyal women anymore.
Take your time man, everyone needs a breather to think and plan properly you don't need to force yourself for the sake of uploading take as much time as you need we will be here waiting.
1) Time Manipulation (with system, for gradual unlocking sub abilities and stuff)
GOT: A Transmigrator's Conquest
TV · MidnightBlade007