
LV 2

Hey what’s up I hope what I write is good I hope you like it as I improve

2020-09-11 Se unió United States
Obras originales
Insignias 5

  • The Creator's World original

    The Creator's World


    This world has shattered… A world that is broken. This world was broken to the point that anyone could go in. Unfortunately only you go in you could never get out. Its a world with potals to others bring other worlds into one. This world become your life no matter what you did. The only way to leave is to defeat the creator. The one that created this world. And soon there will be someone to defeat creator. The final battle will be the one to remember. Come closer if you dare.....

    6 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • When the 24 stars a-line original

    When the 24 stars a-line


    There are people who are choosen to destory the monster that have been locked away for so long. Mystery and unexpected things happen along the way. As this monster come back it will seek revenge on the choosen people at this time and destory this world. Will the choosen ones defect this monster or will they die in the end? Who knows?

    1 Chs 0 Colecciones

  • Assassination creek tail original

    Assassination creek tail


    This is about an girl who lost everything is trying to start over. But there is an secret about her that no one knows about. The longer she stays in one place the more scared and terrified she is. She moves and moves but what is she trying to run to? Who knows? Will she ever find her place?

    6 Chs 1 Colecciones

  • Academy of magic & the 7 demons original

    Academy of magic & the 7 demons


    This is about The Holy Academy all about the future of magic and what it could do. This magic was created to protect us humans form evil beings like demons. But will this magic ultimately destroy us or will we be able to use it for the greater good?

    8 Chs 1 Colecciones

  • Secret Kingdom into the Outside World original

    Secret Kingdom into the Outside World


    An princess waiting for her knight and shining armor. From an hidden Kingdom that no one no humans anyways knows. With her older sister getting married off and her brother being the heir to the throne she doesn't know her place. After reading about the outside world a world beyond the fog she wishes to explore. She will be needing her best friends help. An her personal guard to help her escape. Her guard and her sneak out when an party is going on escaping by water. Going to the unknown meeting good and bad people on the way. But will happen to the kingdom when she is away? We will see soon....

    8 Chs 0 Colecciones