As freaky as she was, Tysone wasn't scared. If all it took for him to be intimidated was a horny high-schooler with more boobs than brain, then he might as well get oiled up and offer himself to the zombies.
Anime & Comics · LordCampione
canon event alert
"You're insane, Theon! If anyone hears you say that, they'll cut your tongue out," Robb warned him seriously.
Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
Cousin.....wait for me cousin
But I can always go there for that chocolate booty. Maybe I can go after all chocolate booty in the Omniverse... Chel, Princess Jasmine...
Anime & Comics · Evans_The_Writer
I dunno, did you try shouting at it
'This damn bola won't break!' I thought as I kept struggling to break out of it. 'What in the name of Akatosh is this made out of?!'
TV · The_Jonbergdahl
man if you don't go on some where with that shiz
"Can you contact your clan and have more guards sent here? I feel very insecure right now!"
Anime & Comics · GregariousLion
- Consecrate Ground: When the sword is plunged into the ground, it creates a temporary 15-foot radius area of holy energy that weakens undead creatures, reducing their speed and damage output by 20% for 30 seconds. Can be used once every 5 minutes.
Video Games · Agent_BJ
"You! I know you; you were in Karsi's reconnaissance group. Where are the others?" A group stopped us from advancing to the camp, and he addressed Lucis.
Book&Literature · RaccoonLeague
what is this a Diddy party
Amy fingered herself relentlessly that night that the entire bed was soaked in her fluids. Who ever owned this room would have to do laundry, not that she felt guily or anything. But the problem was she kept at it even though her body kept convulsing and she caught glimpses of her life flashing before her eyes, even her late grandpa waved her off but she kept schlicking away, until her eyes rolled back and her heart couldn't take it anymore as her body begged for hydration since she had been going at it for two hours nonstop.
TV · Futa_Mommy
gosh dang it, no you do not need to check it out you go home and avoid the area
The next day at school, I couldn't stop thinking about the old man's story. I wasn't the kind of guy who believed in ghosts or anything like that, but the way he had described the eye... it got to me. By lunchtime, I'd already made up my mind — I needed to check it out.
Anime & Comics · Tyrouge
that event was so traumatizing even a brain washed person with no sense of self left nearly committed suicide
The Shinobi trembled a little ...but still bent over to pick up the soap...
Minato May Have Been Your Father But He Ain't Your Daddy
Anime & Comics · Life_sa_Beach_