
LV 14
2020-09-03 Se unió Global
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Moments 20
1 months ago

How do people go from, oh that guy was bitten by someone, to love bite? That's a big leap. If I saw something like that I xould asjme he did it himself, or he put his lips somewhere they were not wanted. Lovebite would not be my top 5 pick.

1 months ago

Wow, does he not understand concent? That would be one scary suiter to have, he could do anything je wanted ti you under the premise of making you enjoy it. Also, wasn't she already seventeen? If it's her birthday wouldn't that make her 18? If not that's even worse. Why is this adult man chasing a 16 year old? I think this girl needs to call for an adult, fast. She needs help.

4 months ago

Jezus, what's with the guilt trip? How would her mom losing the pregnancy be Scarlet's fault? I haven't heard a single well reasoned argument for why Scarlet shouldn't have defended herself. All I hear us people using their superiour age and elevated position in her life to guilt her into toeing the line. I'm so sick of female leads being whistled back by their elders as soon as they show their backbone.

5 months ago

Jezus, let the man bond with his child. These people take interfering to the next level. I don' t get why they think they have a say in how other people manage their relationships. If there's someone stopping Chi Chi from bonding with her kids, it's them. First that stupid party, and now they won't even let them have alone time. And seriously, don't get me started on that party. Chi Chi's mom has an IQ of -45 that's the only explanation. Chi Chi's friend did't know the true situation, but her mom did. They just brought home a traumatized child. Oh, let's throw a surprise party with complete strangers, that will cheer him up after a lifetime of experimentation by evil scientists. No brains. And also, please forgive them for me. Oh, forgive her too, for me. My patience with this woman is gone. If I had such a mother I would give myself up for adoption.

5 months ago

Again. No respect. This mom seriously. It's Chi Lian's body. If she wants to sell all her eggs that's her right. Such a controlling mother. She had no right to listen in on a private conversation. She's so entitled, and has absolutely no respect for het adult daughter's autonomie. I like her family, but her mom's actions often make me want to shake some sense into her. A child is not your private property. Instead of comforting her daughter for the great injustice and violation committed against her, she scolds her like a child. Great parenting.

5 months ago

I did not like how Chi Lian's mom disrespected her like that in front of minister Su. He essentially stole her property, yet she's being spanked like a child. At a time like this you should close ranks, even if you don't agree with what your daughter is saying, tou stand behind her, and then bring up your concerns in private. She totally undermined her own daughter. That was stupid, and showd a lack of respect for her daughter as an adult human being.

5 months ago

I love this story, but there is something a little confusing. They spoke about the one child policy being in effect, and fearing that she wouldn't be able to get a husband if she adopted Mei Mei because she wouldn't be able to have a child with her husband. It was my understanding that second mariages (so to speak) could produce one additional child. And later they keep talking about pressuring them to have more children after almost losing Mei Mei. Is the one child policy in effect in this universe, or not?

7 months ago

love this book . I didn't regret reading it even though the cover was off putting to me. I don't get why Yool made a deal to work with Song Moonho. Song basically said Let's make a deal, I'll promise to protect someone I'm already sworn to protect by the system and I'll work with the big 4 which I am also already contracted to do. Yool only got him to extend it to him and the female lead's bodyguard. That's a bad deal.

7 months ago

It's a good book. I've enjoyed what you've written so far.

8 months ago

way too little dialogue. The characters need to say these things instead of you.