_3V1L_0V3RL0RD - Profile


LV 15
2020-09-04 Se unió United States

Insignias 21

Moments 19


I bet that Dane and the others he is meeting are part of the demon faction.

Himmy started to laugh. "You are thinking too small, my friend. We already have those who are in high positions, and our organization is already linked up with many clans throughout the continent. The only exception would be the Demonic faction.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to Reminiscing

other self munchin


Sounds like a great fighting technique. Just explode your enemies!

Once you have identified the target substance, the next step is to break down its molecular structure using arcane energy. This process can be highly complex and requires a great deal of skill and precision. It is essential to maintain a stable flow of energy throughout the process, as any sudden changes can cause the substance to explode or implode.

Arcane Immortal

Arcane Immortal

Fantasy · Daoist_Drumstick


*with their death*-minor mistake but a good outlook on life


*over stay his welcome

The girl only nodded and did not say a word. Seeing the girl nod, the manager did not over welcome his stay and tacitly left the carriage.

Versatile System Online

Versatile System Online

Fantasy · PRO_GAMER_2345


Who does his laundry? Seeing how we got the young master troupe someone else is going to put his clothes in the closet.

But then he figured why was he so afraid? It isn't like she will find out that there is a clone in the closet unless the clone comes out of its own volition, which it can't.

My Multisystem In Isekai

My Multisystem In Isekai

Fantasy · different_minds


How does she know it does that, from what I read she wasn't near when he discovered that function

"Kai, use the chain to try and bring it down." Alex shouted. "If you can hook it around its neck or feet, we can pull it down." I nodded, it made sense. I took the chain out from my inventory and ran closer to it.

The Soul Keeper

The Soul Keeper

Games · Dweia

Replied to LowMentalBattery

True where? No third world country has better technology than America, the reason why the army had been having a hard time against foreign army's is due MAINLY to the oppositions knowledge of their land and using it to their advantage. i.e. Vietnam, Taliban, etc. Secondly, wars are no longer fighting in the way which is most effective all for the sake of being good guys. Most everyone has seemed to forgotten that wars aren't pretty and are not meant to be nice, it's purpose is to destroy anyone who opposes you with extreme prejudice.

In the human world, the power dynamics between people were much more balanced by intelligence than it was in the martial world. As such, wars weren't always decided by who was the bigger country or who had the larger army. In fact, it often wasn't even decided by who had the best technology. Why else would countries as large as America spend years with no clear victories against supposedly third world countries?

Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Action · Awespec


maybe change soul to spiritually



Yeah, I'm sure of it- I did just die a moment ago, the truck had flattened me under the rain in that intersection; just like that.

I Became a Demon Queen's Assistant in Another World!?

I Became a Demon Queen's Assistant in Another World!?

Fantasy · onthehouse


Sounds like a bit of personal experience huh?

His fear for my relationship with Akash was sweet, but for once I agreed with the giant tree alien. Putting us, while Akash still held so much animosity toward me, into a highly important mission like this together was like throwing a match into a pool of gasoline. It'd end in fire and burnt eyebrows. 

Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Spaceships And Magic, What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Sci-fi · MattHarris

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