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7 days ago


"Godric and I worked hard to get along with Schrodinger and invited him into Hogwarts. At Hogwarts, we threw a feast for him and took him from him. He was not even from our world; he didn't understand why he came to this world, but the story of another world he told everyone surprised us. Godric and Helga were fascinated by the story of that world, and Rowena was interested in the magic of the witcher, but I noticed something far more interesting."

Witcher at Hogwarts

Witcher at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · Dark_Symphony

7 days ago

So not time travel.

"I've never seen someone like that. I can feel the magic in him, but he's not a wizard or a Muggle. Godric also found this out and was very fond of him at first. He was on guard, but as we talked, he slowly let his guard down, told us his name was Schrodinger, and that he was a witcher."

Witcher at Hogwarts

Witcher at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · Dark_Symphony

7 days ago



"From that time on, Helga asked us not to go out alone, so I often went out with Godric to find cherished herbs; the first few times, it was normal, until one day, we met a strange man With two long swords on his back and those amber eyes like a cat, a group of muggle soldiers was besieging the man, and he took down that group of muggle soldiers very neatly, and I noticed his ability to cast some kind of magic to attack an enemy without using a wand piqued my curiosity."

Witcher at Hogwarts

Witcher at Hogwarts

Book&Literature · Dark_Symphony

11 days ago

Based on twilight in Canon Lore all vampires can remember everything combine with the fact that they can think as fast as they can move, which has been shown as super speed. Their brains are basically walking talking, super computers, if they generally put their mind out, they could advance technology by hundreds and thousands of years, Imagine how more powerful it would be with that at their side.

"You guys have the key to eternal life at barely any cost, and you use it to laze around and play at being royalty. You could have collected the brightest minds throughout history, offered them life and the opportunity to research and help humanity. But you did not! Partly because the church paints you as devil's minions, and partly because you couldn't be bothered," I explained, frustration creeping into my voice.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

11 days ago

I'm pretty sure everyone could tell he was lying.

"Yeah, nice try, asshole, but she can tell you are lying!" Rosalie threw in with a satisfied grin.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

11 days ago

When humans in Twilight become vampires their gain an increase attractiveness based on the in universe lore. Ugly people when turned become Average looking Vampires, Average people become Beautiful looking Vampires, and Beautiful people become Other worldly looking Vampires.

I seriously cannot get my head around the fact that all vampire chicks are hot as fuck. Like, how does that even work out? Are they hot and then get turned into vamps? Or do they get hot after turning into vamps? It's like that insane question about chickens and eggs. Well, I know for a fact that eggs were there first, but some don't know that little tidbit of useless history.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

11 days ago

Isn't this the 70s? or are we just alternating the timeline?

"Piss off, my daughter is too good for a pretty boy like you!" Charlie shot back, laughing.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

12 days ago


'God, these kids are so easy!' I thought.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

12 days ago

You clearly haven’t eaten some Asian delicacy’s.

I am not kidding; these bastards eat raw meat, and they love it when the meat is still alive. How messed up is that? Just think about it: any living being getting eaten alive is well beyond messed up.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5

12 days ago
Replied to TheDudeThatReads

Discrimination lawsuit he lost that in his factory’s their is a separation between the black workers and the rest.

See, I give no two shits about anything that doesn't benefit me, but there's some value in maintaining a certain image. Take Elon Tusk, or whatever his name was, an obvious racist who cloaked himself in the guise of intelligence and free speech to sell his products to a diverse market.

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

HP: The Big Bad Wolf

Book&Literature · Ikaru5