

female LV 2

I am Just me! Who want to make everyone feel better in this cruel world. IG : Nara_eander

2020-09-03 Se unió Global
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1 years ago

The time traveler oh I like how the Story began and the adventure of time traveler always make me falling in love. And I love this Story. ❤️

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1 years ago

Oh God, this novel make me curious about what happen? Love this very much ❤️[img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

1 years ago

Yuhuuu the Prince version is here... Really like this Story. And recommend! Good job Author 👍[img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins][img=coins]

1 years ago

I Love Story about warewolf and this Story not disappoint me. 1000 percent recommend [img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]

1 years ago

Love Devano, I like the story ❤️ Fighting Author... [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

1 years ago

I love this book [img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update][img=update]

2 years ago

See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

2 years ago

Baru baca blurb nya aja udah bikin penasaran . Agatha please pilih dengan bijak 😆 Seru nih , cus mulai baca aja . Semangat ya Author ! Good job [img=recommend] [img=update][img=update][img=update]

2 years ago

Aw, begitu liat sinopsis dan nama FL nya langsung penasaran banget sama ceritanya. Ya ampun kasihan Nara, kurang ajar tuh pacarnya. 😡 Lanjut ya thor, makin penasaran... [img=update]

2 years ago

Hm... This story is so interesting! This make me feel very curious. Good job author. Keep writing! Good luck and Fighting!! [img=update][img=recommend]

  • Breathe : Contempt of Death original

    Breathe : Contempt of Death



    Abriella Sachs was experiencing very strange things in her life, and that’s all started when she accidentally witnessed suicide a few days ago. In her dream, she met David Wagner, the one who had committed suicide. Abriella dreamed that David didn’t kill himself that day, but was killed by someone. And Abriella has the intention to uncover that murder case which is considered a suicide case. Abriella will always meet David in her dreams, which will make her keep thinking about David when she wakes up from her dream. Then She realizes that she has returned to the past through that dream when she reads an old article about David that talks about a ghost who has been seeing him lately, and the traits that David mentioned from the ghost are similar to her. Abriella finally changed her plan, which originally wanted to uncover the murder case, to save David’s life from death. But while she was planning it, she realized that every time she dreams and meets David in her dreams, her breath stops. Will Abriella be able to save David from his Death? Will Abriella die because she doesn’t breathe in her dreams? Will there be a feeling of love between them? Who’s killed David? And what was the motive behind the murder? Let's Find The Murder!

    156 Chs 33 Colecciones

  • SEANCE (Contact With The Dead) original

    SEANCE (Contact With The Dead)


    Aisley is a student who is still in high school. She is a humble, kind and cheerful child. Even though she has a timid attitude, many people care about her and become his best friends. The six people who were always with her also accompanied her. One night, when she was living alone in the house. There was a voice calling his name and knocking on his door in the middle of the night. Aisley who was cowardly didn't even dare to go out and just peeked through the window of her house. A woman dressed in white with long hair, also a wet body was standing right in front of the entrance of her house. Knock repeatedly so that the longer the beat gets louder. Making Aisley feel scared and panicked until she called her friend for help. Priscilla, one of her friends who can communicate with invisible creatures, also told Aisley that the woman who met her last night was not a human being, but a wandering spirit who asked Aisley for help. At first, Priscilla only gave several ways to get rid of the spirit, but as time went on the spirit became more and more annoying and even haunted them and their other friends. Finally, Priscilla decided to invite all her friends to do SEANCE, a seance ritual. The ritual is carried out in a different way from other ways, where they must stand in a circle and must not break the circle. Priscilla, who was used to doing this, invited her friends to communicate with the wandering spirit, but an error occurred while they were performing the ritual. Until they accidentally opened a door for other creatures to communicate with them, including the devil. Who is this ghost? How are they going to deal with all of that, including facing the devil that comes? Will they succeed in helping the wandering spirit that haunts Aisley? ========================================= Look forward to their story... Please enjoy this story.

    1 Chs 1 Colecciones

  • Super Planet System Behind The Moon (Versi Bahasa) original

    Super Planet System Behind The Moon (Versi Bahasa)


    Lucas menyadari bahwa dia adalah salah satu dari dua belas bintang yang jatuh sembilan belas tahun yang lalu. Kedua belas bintang itu ternyata mewakili dua belas Kekuatan yang berasal dari luar bumi, lebih tepatnya tempat yang selalu mengikuti bulan. Lucas memutuskan untuk mencari sebelas bintang jatuh lainnya, setelah dia mendengar cerita dari sang kakek. Dengan gulungan kertas berisi simbol, dan tato yang dia miliki di pergelangan tangannya, menjadikan dua hal ini sebagai petunjuk untuk menemukan bintang yang lain. Lucas ingin mencari tahu dari mana dia berasal, dan mengapa dia bersama sebelas bintang lainnya jatuh ke bumi? Bagaimana cara Lucas menemukan bintang lainnya?

    228 Chs 44 Colecciones

  • SEANCE original



    4.92 Completado

    Nada adalah seorang pelajar yang masih duduk di bangku SMA. Dia adalah anak yang humble, baik dan periang. Meski dirinya memiliki sikap penakut, namun banyak orang yang peduli padanya dan menjadi teman baiknya. Termasuk enam orang yang selalu bersamanya juga menemaninya. Suatu malam, ketika ia sedang tinggal sendirian di dalam rumah. Ada sebuah suara yang memanggil-manggil namanya dan mengetuk pintu rumahnya di tengah malam. Nada yang memang penakut itu pun tak berani keluar dan hanya mengintip lewat jendela rumahnya. Sesosok wanita berbaju putih dengan rambut yang panjang, juga keadaan tubuh yang basah itu berdiri tepat di depan pintu masuk rumahnya. Mengetuk berkali-kali sehingga semakin lama ketukan itu semakin kencang. Membuat Nada merasa ketakutan dan panik hingga ia menelephone temannya untuk meminta bantuan. Predictia, salah satu temannya yang memang dapat berkomunikasi dengan makhluk-makhluk tak kasat mata itu pun memberitahu Nada jika wanita yang malam tadi menemuinya bukanlah sosok manusia, melainkan sebuah arwah gentayangan yang meminta bantuan pada Nada. Awalnya Predictia hanya memberikan beberapa cara untuk mengusir arwah tersebut, namun semakin lama arwah itu semakin mengganggu dan bahkan menghantui mereka bertujuh. Akhirnya Predictia pun memutuskan untuk mengajak seluruh temannya melakukan SEANCE, sebuah ritual pemanggilan arwah. Ritual itu di lakukan dengan sebuah cara yang berbeda dari cara yang lain, di mana mereka harus berdiri melingkar dan tak boleh merusak lingkaran tersebut. Predictia yang memang sudah biasa melakukan itu mengajak mereka semua berkomunikasi dengan arwah gentayangan itu, namun sebuah kesalahan terjadi di saat mereka melakukan ritual tersebut. Hingga mereka tak sengaja membuka sebuah pintu untuk makhluk-makhluk lainnya berkomunikasi dengan mereka termasuk sang iblis. Siapa sebenarnya hantu tersebut? Bagaimana cara mereka untuk mengatasi semua itu, termasuk menghadapi Iblis yang datang? Apakah mereka akan berhasil membantu arwah gentayangan yang menghantui Nada?

    325 Chs 229 Colecciones

  • Super Planet System Behind The Moon original

    Super Planet System Behind The Moon



    Lucas realized that he was one of the twelve fallen stars, nineteen years ago. The twelve stars turned out to represent the twelve Powers that came from outside the earth, more precisely a place that always followed the moon. Lucas decided to look for the eleven other fallen stars after he heard the story from his grandfather, with a roll of paper containing a symbol and a tattoo that he had on his wrist. Lucas makes these two things as clues to finding the other. Because Lucas wanted to know where he came from and why he and the eleven other stars fell to earth? How did Lucas find the others stars?

    153 Chs 859 Colecciones