Overlord_Lucid1 - Profile


male LV 14

Reality is cruel and so I dream, diving into the subconscious in other to escape this inescapable reality. The dreamer being aware of the dream and the dream being a facade, but still I dream.

2020-08-27 Se unió Nigeria

Insignias 10

Moments 526


stay away from Arsene or he'll rearrange your insides.

Selene scuffed. "Lost? Is that really how you see it?" she looked at Narvac like he was a dead man walking. If looks could kill, she'd have him torn apart in the cruelest manner. "Aurelia is a Third Star, the youngest in Trinities history. Nine years old. She killed a Fifth Star as a Second Star. Even if it was dumb luck, if you think we'll ever earn her respect again, you have another thing coming." She spun on her heel, hurrying after Lupin. 

Return of the Silver Devil

Return of the Silver Devil

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

Replied to Overlord_Lucid1

also it's me wisdom22 I changed my name cause I'm planning on posting a novel an actual one this time.

"I'm not arguing that!" Raxtar snapped. "I don't care if there are bloody rapers or killers. It's all the same. But they worship… Muardral! There are bloody child killers. They'd gut a mother with child just to watch the baby bleed out her belly!" 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


well I guess we know who corrupted him now, it's Belphagor.

"I'm not arguing that!" Raxtar snapped. "I don't care if there are bloody rapers or killers. It's all the same. But they worship… Muardral! There are bloody child killers. They'd gut a mother with child just to watch the baby bleed out her belly!" 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


Hey my favorite character is still alive iish I guess, I missed this genius.

"Aldrich of Lothel greets the Vale King." The voice came naturally to the soul, for it knew who held it in its grasp. All the one before him needed to do was clasp his hand together, and his right to exist would cease. 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


hmm a stoic baddie me likie

"Compass Carburettor," He said, noticing a plethora of emotions emanating from Fealta to the extent he was unable to make sense of anything in them. And when he noticed how she maintained a stoic expression, he was bewildered, hurriedly closing the door as he sat on the bed, deep in thought.

I Hate Systems

I Hate Systems

Fantasy · Overlord_Venus

Replied to Lord_Damocles

I see thanks for the info.

"I, Tasha Vil Lilm Corvta De Asmodeus, am a Royal Devil of the Arch Duke Gremory. Personal Slave of Lord Nox De Nier." Tasha revealed with a curtsy. 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


This Is SPARTA!!! we need a Spartan kick.

Thanatos smiled. "Of course, all of Olympus, your grace. Have you ever heard of the Spartans?" Altair blinked; he could vaguely recall them in Earth's history. "They are extinct amidst the Old Era of Earth, but in Gaia, their culture and kingdom still live proudly. Artemis and Athena gave the command, and they came running. Same with the Amazonians alongside a dozen others." 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


Did she use her true name or just part of it.?

"I, Tasha Vil Lilm Corvta De Asmodeus, am a Royal Devil of the Arch Duke Gremory. Personal Slave of Lord Nox De Nier." Tasha revealed with a curtsy. 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


Not better and getting bitten. 😁

"Ah~" Tasha flushed, echoing a moan she didn't know she had. She squirmed, taken back by the sensation of utter euphoria that left her heart pounding in her chest. All her training seemed to vanish beneath Altair's fangs. Feeling him draw blood out of her, she thought that perhaps she was going to melt in his embrace.

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


oh she's a soul bender! I wonder who her soul mate is.

She smiled nastily, taken in by a calm that came from her subconscious. The Ancient Gods who'd taken an interest all frown, immediately recognizing the Fifth Form, Zenzu. More than that, they recognized the ancient technique held by the ancient form, known as the Hollowing. 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


or he's a worshipper?

"There is a reason he's called the Lord of Sacrilege," Tasha added, pointing towards the spiraling tower. "That there is like a cheap imitation of one of his towers. This Ravel is a believer, or at least admires him greatly." 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles


she seems motivated I wonder what Art promised her?

"Die Motherfucker!" Alyssa roared, crackling with laughter as a geyser of molten rock struck her, pushing her hundreds of meters up on the surface of the world. Her yellow eyes glowed. "Did I do good, Master!" 

Shadow of the Abyss

Shadow of the Abyss

Fantasy · Lord_Damocles

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