'Now, he will think of me as a slut!'
Anime & Comics · akikan40
Akihito and hiroomi have the best bromance
Somehow, all of the male classmates jumped into him and hugged him tightly as if trying to comfort him.
Anime & Comics · akikan40
Should of picked arc of embodiment with an unlimited mana core (like the androids ki core)
In fact, he had just realized that he had fallen into a dead end; he had chosen the wrong two cheat abilities. If it was for defeating the Demon King, then his ability could have been changed to instant-death magic or fantasy creation, etc. Powerful abilities specifically designed to counter the Demon King.
Anime & Comics · MrBlackWing
Why make her fall when she did it first try🤔🤔🤔
But as she tried to climb higher, her chakra flickered and she fell with a small thud. "Ow!"
Anime & Comics · Fallen_Stone
Just wanted to let you know
Gojo grinned, a glint of anticipation in his eye. This was going to be interesting.
Anime & Comics · Fallen_Stone
Should’ve started with flappy bird or geometry dash
Nate recalled how, in the past, Cat Mario had pushed him to the brink of punching his monitor. This world's players hadn't been exposed to such games before, so starting with something less extreme seemed wise.
Anime & Comics · Bleam2
Pika used Iron Tail last chap
Despite taking a direct hit from Thunderbolt, Raichu wasn't gravely injured.
Anime & Comics · Bleam2
The newly evolved Blissey stood taller than before, growing from 1.1 meters to 1.5 meters. Her upper body was a gentle pink, while her lower body was white. Soft, hair-like appendages adorned her head, and white, wing-like features encircled her body, giving her an air of innocence and grace.
Anime & Comics · IamNoob
Jjk Kuchisake-Onna
[Note: If I share a scary image, it might make many uncomfortable, so I'll only post a non-scary one. If you're curious about how scary it is, you can search for it yourself.]
Anime & Comics · IamNoob
She kind of reminds me of Mom… she's just so beautiful.
The Passive Income System
Anime & Comics · Zekt