Webnovel Author: NewComer714 - Fanfic&Novel Collection



LV 3

Each person bears their own burden, each day a repetitive sight; The flame that once kindled motivation now flickers dimmer with every fight. We all feel different emotions, though some days we're filled with gloom, They say life's precious, even in darkness, as rare as happiness may bloom. Tough times surround us, sadness seems to win, Making us crave for an end, so we don't hurt within. Even in my darkest hour, when ending it all seems right, I wonder how God or the universe will guide my life, in ways that delight.

2020-07-23 Se unió Global

Insignias 4

Moments 205

Replied to DaoistCGid7j

Nice promotion.


ch 233 Price of fame and video production

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to Jicenixe


Despite his disappointment, Ian decided to have one last look around, hoping to find anything of importance. He checked under the bed, under the desk, and even in the corners, not expecting to find anything of value. But as he was about to leave, his gaze fell upon an ordinary-looking notebook tucked away on a bookshelf. Curiosity piqued, he picked it up and flipped to the first page. His jaw dropped when he read the words "Lucas Knight's Diary" scrawled across the front in messy handwriting.

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Tycoon Actor in Hollywood

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to priyanshu_tak

I watched the movie, and she didn't. They got interrupted by Max.

"You stole my first kiss!" Deborah exclaimed, annoyed.

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to Sniperwoof

Man, people really seem to love finding flaws in my novel.

Lorenzo and his platoon exchanged weary glances, their faces a mix of pride and disbelief. They had survived the first onslaught, but they all knew in their hearts that the worst was yet to come. The officer clapped Lorenzo on the shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie and understanding. "Get some rest, all of you. You've earned it. But know this: when we engage the enemy again, I want you lot on the frontlines. We need your skills and determination more than ever."

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to Foosh


"I see..." Emilio mused, his interest piqued. However, he knew better than to make a move on her or Lorenzo, not yet. The Corleone family was too powerful, with influence in politics, wealth, and manpower. He couldn't afford to jeopardize his plans of becoming the most powerful mafia boss in New York over his interest in Lorenzo or his fiance.

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to Gengar_The_Fool

Only the young one, but yeah, haha 😅

"Mm, quite the intriguing individual," Don Vito mused internally as he observed Lorenzo. Then, with a paternal gesture, he added, "You remind me of my younger self, Lorenzo."

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to Abdullah_Alghamdi_9810

It's his grandpa.

ch 56 Love, and attending Connie's Wedding (R-18)

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to OnlyGoodStuff_1



Lorenzo stroked her hair, soaking in the feel of her in his arms. "Shh... I know. I'm sorry for the deception, but I couldn't resist surprising you." He pulled back, wiping away her tears with his thumbs. "I've missed you so much, Deborah."

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

Replied to Hahadavis

Beauty and attraction are ageless, and just because he's a mature soul doesn't mean he's immune to it. Don't expect him to act like a decrepit old man who's lost all zest for life

"That was close," he muttered to himself, a mix of adrenaline and relief pulsing through him. Despite the scare, a smile played on his lips.

Godfather System

Godfather System

Movies · NewComer714

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