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I am a pessimistic person who has no clue how the beta personality shit heads actually beat the villain. I average around 1k words/chapter and upload once a day. Also I am on fanfic and webnovel.

2020-07-12 Se unió India
Obras originales
Insignias 6

Moments 127
2 years ago
Replied to Scientistx

May I ask what’s wrong or can be done better in this story, I wanna try and be better

2 years ago

Hi, author here. My second hand at Pokemon, hopefully much better as well. I have improved my writing a bit since the last one. Please give me some constructive criticism so that I may improve

3 years ago

Wait for a second, a master trainer is below and elite and champion trainer, but a master Pokemon is higher than both elite and champion? That makes no sense. If you wanted you could have made master the highest class of trainer to make it consistent because now an elite trainer will a master Pokemon and a master trainer will have a champion pokemon

3 years ago
Replied to Daichi_TBR193

The returning prisoner, whose eyes have become accustomed to the sunlight, would be blind when he re-enters the cave, just as he was when he was first exposed to the sun (516e).[2] The prisoners, according to Plato, would infer from the returning man's blindness that the journey out of the cave had harmed him and that they should not undertake a similar journey. Plato concludes that the prisoners, if they were able, would therefore reach out and kill anyone who attempted to drag them out of the cave (517a).[2] Wikipedia

"Sure." The owl started to lay out the Pai Sho pieces as Zuko poured more tea for the two. "There once were three men in a cave. They are all bound by their hands and feet to a rock in which all they could see was a wall. Behind them was a fire that was casting shadows on the wall. All of their life these men have been bonded there, never to move, staring at the same wall. To them, the wall was their whole life and they knew nothing outside of this wall. One day a great earthquake shook the land and one of the men became free from his bindings. After he was free he began to look behind him and noticed he was in a cave and that the shadows that he saw only came from the fire that blazed behind them. He then stood up and walked out of the cave to see this great big world living and going on all around him. Excited he rushed back to the other men still bonded. He told them of all the great things he had seen, but they didn't believe him."

Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193

3 years ago

Does’nt that story end with the humans being unable to accept the fact that their entire lives were a lie, and them going back into the cave, never returning to the surface because their brain couldnt comprehend what was happening?

"Sure." The owl started to lay out the Pai Sho pieces as Zuko poured more tea for the two. "There once were three men in a cave. They are all bound by their hands and feet to a rock in which all they could see was a wall. Behind them was a fire that was casting shadows on the wall. All of their life these men have been bonded there, never to move, staring at the same wall. To them, the wall was their whole life and they knew nothing outside of this wall. One day a great earthquake shook the land and one of the men became free from his bindings. After he was free he began to look behind him and noticed he was in a cave and that the shadows that he saw only came from the fire that blazed behind them. He then stood up and walked out of the cave to see this great big world living and going on all around him. Excited he rushed back to the other men still bonded. He told them of all the great things he had seen, but they didn't believe him."

Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

Avatar : The Legend of Phoenix

Anime & Comics · Daichi_TBR193

3 years ago
Replied to OkayVelvet

Nope. I am serious, you can adopt if you want. Just tell me the name of the story, I am very intrested in other peoples version of my story.

3 years ago
Replied to OkayVelvet

Sure go for it.

3 years ago

This is basically a uchiha fans wet dream. But great story. Loved reading it and great potential, hope it doesn’t decline but considering the authors quality, I don’t think that will happen

3 years ago
Replied to the_fat_taoist

Can not disclose. The only thing I can confirm that it was called “a” intentionally.

'Well that was quite a rant but I have decided you belong in...

My life as Harry Potter

My life as Harry Potter

Book&Literature · VinixxVidixxVici

3 years ago

Am I the only one here who actually understood the whole Paragraph becuase i spend my free time researching abstract Advanced physics

We live in four dimensions,Time is the 4th dimension. Our dimensions are defined by space which has three dimensions (the x, y, and z axes), and time (t) which is the 4th dimension. There can be nothing like "4th dimensional beings" exclusive of the three dimension of space. There is no such thing as a 'time-being' really… We are it (along with other life-forms here) as four dimensional beings, so far from the little we know, and within the limitation of the knowledge of the four dimensions mostly. Now what about other dimensions, the so called 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th, the hyperdimensional manifolds that the string theorists are dealing with ?? Well these have been postulated to exist with us, inside our constituent particles, as inner manifolds that make up everything. It appears now that anything, from a life-form to an object, anything at all is composed of all these dimensions, currently 11 in number ! The 'Calabi-Yau' manifolds are the mathematical hyperdimensional structural entities composed of the extra dimensions that exist within all things according to super-string theory or theory of everything. They must also exist in space and time. The eleven dimensions have to exist together, the four of which are easier to understand, and the remaining seven are highly intricate. Now from the knowledge of Hilbert space, and the Hilbert-Einstein collaborations we know there can be an infinite number of vectors that can exist around the Hilbert space. If the concept is extended to dimensions, theoretically there can possibly be an infinite number of dimensions which we know nothing about. It leads to mathematical abstractions that we do not have the mathematics for, needless to say ! Whether these other unknown dimensions can have their own energetic entities that can criss-cross our known dimensions, from "out of nowhere" to us, or whether they simultaneously exist unseen and unbeknownst to us with occasional intended or unintended overlaps, we do not know. What is also true is that if these other dimensions ranging to infinity truly exist, then our existence may have unknown links to these as well, though we do not know anything about these dimensions or their ramifications with ours… So theoretically and conceptually inter-dimensional beings may be possible, and they may or may not have difficulty interacting with our "sphere" if you will. But forget 11th dimensional beings, humans can't even hope to comprehend how a 4th dimensional being sees reality.



Movies · ReaperDZero