Daoistmt0cXy - Profile


LV 4
2020-07-06 Se unió Global

Insignias 12

Moments 76



Zeke ignored him. Causing Alex to chuckle. He then clapped his hand on Zeke's shoulder and continued speaking in a know-it-all manner. "Don't worry, Zeke. Being nervous on your wedding day is absolutely normal. I would know. I've gone through it myself. Just relax and take a few deeeeep breaths. Stop acting tough and deadpan, or you will end up fainting. Mark my words, Zeke." Though he seemed to be giving the advice for Zeke's good, the twinkle in his eyes somehow gave the impression that he might not actually mind that much if the groom would end up fainting due to his nervousness in facing his own wedding.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



And then night came. It was now time for the baby shower, part two to begin!

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX


oh....then if zeres n iryz is a couple ...would she turn a Witch....


"I believe that it's the same principle as what had happened to Kai and Kelly." Ezekiel continued a long stretch of silence. "If a royal blood vampire and a human managed to mate without the human dying, the vampire turns into a human. However, it's the other way around for vampires and witches. The witch will be the one to turn into a vampire."

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX


iryz is like...


Her lips parted. Wow! She was seriously starting to feel dizzy from all these things that she was learning. It felt like the world she knew was no longer the same world that it was anymore. And it was just so mind blowing. However, she was not complaining! It all seemed more interesting, more magical, more… just more!

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"I… I think I did but..." He suddenly sounded a little shaken. "She's an important person to me. And I do like her. I care for her. I really thought I loved her. But… thinking back right now, I've… after all of the thinking I did last night as well, I found out that I am not quite sure if that was me truly in love or was I just actually in pain. Maybe I've just been too damaged that I can't even figure myself out anymore. Maybe because I've been in too much pain for far longer than I could remember… more than I could bear and had been so starved for love that I just fall in love with anyone who shows me the least bit of kindness and warmth. I feel like I can't even trust my own heart anymore." He sighed out heavily as he ran his fingers through his hair and looked at her with a smile tinged with bitterness. "I hope that you will still want me even after you see how truly messed up my life is, Iryz. How messed up I am, as a person…" then he lifted his eyes and just stared at her, waiting for the verdict. His gaze was so filled with despair and a sense of lost that Iryz could not endure it.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to DaoistapYZgz

he didn't pay attention to iryz....that's why. ...ig


Every detail… and those… forest green eyes… He would never be able to mistake these pair of eyes for anyone else!

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to chinawa

yeah ...same


"I think she's doing really alright now, boss. She's wearing something like a cosplay getup. I heard her friend said 'wow, that looked so realistic! I never thought you're such a good make-up artist!' and when the friend tried to touch it, the young lady had said 'no touching, you don't want to ruin my work of art'. I also heard her mentioning that she'll only be staying at the party for a couple of hours at the most. So I don't think there is anything to worry about. Her friend seems nice too. Why don't you go inside and wait? There should be only another thirty minutes before she would be home." The man spoke so fast and nonstop that Zeres had no chance to interject what he wanted to say.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



And before she knew it, she found herself staring at something that looked like an ancient mirror. Wait… where did this mirror come from? However, as she focussed more, she realized it was not even a mirror in the first place because she was seeing not her own reflection on it but something else entirely.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX


u didn't feel that she was awake...huh zeke?


He pulled away a moment later to look down at her small and fair face. His eyes went wide as he stared at the tears that were falling like a waterfall from the corner of her closed eyes. "You… you're awake…??!" he uttered.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX


where is Alex ....


He did not even blink at the threats to his sibling's lives. It was as though they were talking to a walking and breathing statue.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"Talking. It's talking that has tired me out to this extent."

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"What are you doing? Y-you never used your tub…" she spluttered as she spoke and struggled a little to make herself confront him.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"Brother!" a male voice echoed out.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"You really think I'm doing all these just because I want to fuck you?" His voice still calm and low but a wicked amusement flashed in his eyes. If looks could kill, the blade in his eyes might have killed her on the spot at that very moment. "Be thankful that I am not taking your words very seriously right now Alicia. Knowing that not only your body has weakened, but your brain has also gotten affected by your situation as well. But I had not expected the deterioration to be this bad. You have now become gloriously dumb."

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



Another forced haughty smile curved on Alicia's face. "If I would choose from being killed or kissing you…" her gaze became absolutely serious. "I'd choose death without question. Every time." she said it with much conviction, as if those words were also a vow to herself.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX


He knows about Lilith....


Zeke didn't move for a while. His gaze gleaming as he stared towards the direction of Zeres' hideout. There was something in his gaze that was moving like a phantom shadow.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"What if I told you I don't want to answer because I wanted to deal with a stubborn woman?" he said. Something wicked flashed in his eyes that made Alicia blinked twice.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX

Replied to chinawa


"I think it's done," she finally declared after a long time. She stepped back and narrowed her eyes to critically inspect her work of art before giving a pleased nod. When Zeres opened his eyes and looked at her, she was wearing a satisfied and proud smile. "You end up looking ten times more handsome now with short hair," she said, smiling widely.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You

Fantasy · KazzenlX



"Done shaking like a leaf?" Winter retorted with a small smile.

High School Again: The President's Secret Lady Boss

High School Again: The President's Secret Lady Boss

Teen · Aciee_GelaTin



"I am.. I am afraid for Eli but you did not know that I have proof, I have proof that you have hired the men to swap the son of the duke with Eli.

Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

Evil Duke, Please Be Gentle!

History · I_am_Creator

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