

LV 14
2020-07-01 Se unió Global
Insignias 17

Moments 201
3 months ago

Sooo observant (*with sarcasm)

He Juan watched the interaction between them with a grin that resembled a Cheshire cat. He had no idea when it started, but Ye Qiu seemed to harbor a tiny crush on Marius, this refined and princely figure who was always there to teach her how to control her pheromones. It was so damn obvious that only a blind would miss it.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

I don't understand why they couldn't just take the urgent initiative to retrieve the cctv

3 months ago

Hmm, I really don't think an ophthalmologist is the right doctor for dyslexia. Should be neuro psychologist and speech language pathologists.

Mu Yuze snuck a hesitant glance at He Juan as though asking permission, sending a spark of joy blooming across He Juan's heart. Just look at how endearing this boy was! Unable to resist a smile, he patted Mu Yuze's head and told him, "Go. Just follow Doctor Zhang's instructions and you will be fine. He is the most renowned ophthalmologist in this hospital. I'm sure you will be in good hands."

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

Very thin walls, MY should've heard HJ on the phone as well

Alas, not even a few minutes later, He Juan's ears twitched as he heard the unmistakable sound of blanket rustling, followed by a sigh. Mu Yuze was still not asleep yet. Why? Was it because he was still not used to living in this place or…

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

What kind of logic is that, these guys are detectives/ police?

Li Zhi frowned. The culprit behind Wu Liang's death was his son, Wu Yuan. If what Captain Rong suspected was true, that Wu Liang was indeed silenced in order to prevent him from leaking any important information, then wouldn't that mean that the executor was none other than his son – Wu Yuan?

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

I've noticed this C country will let pedophiles and their acts get a slap on the wrist (based on other webnovels from this country) and this child will get the full law thrown at him. I don't think this country has juvenile court. Everything seems to be up to a judge (most of the time is bribed).

Many people might think it was unfair, but law had always been cold-blooded. A human life had been lost and regardless of the solid reason behind the act, it was still considered an unpardonable violation of law. The most they could do was to provide evidence of the domestic violence and appeal to the judge that it was self-defense on the poor culprit's part.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

Leniency?! For all the atrocities committed, I don't think so


Under the interrogation team's joint effort, Li Mingzhao finally broke down and recounted the event which transpired that year. At least if he spoke the truth, then he would be able to beg leniency for his sentence later on.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago



The crime on Li Mingzhao's head gradually increased. Even if his ancestors were to climb out from their graves right now, they still would not be able to wash him clean. The evidence against him was solid and irrefutable, and it was expected that he would spend the rest of his life behind the prison bars.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

Yuck 😞

The one sitting in front of Li Zhi was included in the second category, named Qin Zhen. He was a thirty six years old Beta who had been working in Phoenix Ablaze for nearly eight years. Toward the unique trait of Li Mingzhao who preferred to bring in minors, he knew quite well compared to others because he had been tasked to clean the aftermath a few times before.

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

Captured By The Cold Detective (BL)

LGBT+ · delanasiwarka

3 months ago

Plot God