However, the face of the gorgeous dragon woman was currently cold and clearly angered. "I don't care whatever is going on. Coraline, Tengliu, Linghui Mingyu, I will need a really good explanation, or you'll be the first several-thousand-year-old to be spanked by a 60-year-old!"
Fantasy · Mortrexo
nah bro, you're not the only one. I also wanted her to live and rather than dying i wanted her to get captured instead. the girl is Smart, too bad she was an enemy, if she wasn't, she would have been a kind of great ally and character.
Thank you for the chapter! this chapter seriously give so much satisfaction reading that our Fl's giving birth safely
Cecile smiled through the pain. "The promised 1000 children are going to be quite the torture, eh."
Fantasy · Mortrexo
"Simple. We clear this labyrinth."
LGBT+ · Rokuro_
someone is clueless about love haha. but it'd be great if she turns out to be a great lover in the future and not like those other mc that can't even put some effort in their relationship
"Why should we have a conversation? Didn't you just try to kill me?" I huffed and put my hands over my shoulders and behind my back. 'This girl is unreasonable, but I don't have time to battle her today. I need to study hard to become lovers with Fervis!' I tightly clenched my fist and met her sharp gaze again, preparing to turn her down, but she spoke first.
LGBT+ · Rokuro_
Broo, you are Relentless . Seriously
thank you for the chapter !I will patiently wait again for he next chapter !
Thanks for the chapter!
hahahahaha Beard, aster doesn't have beard lol 😂
The lead Rejmar bowed his head, "In that case, I now proclaim you as Hero Aster of the Frostiminir Kingdom and afford you all the privileges that the title brings. May your beard… Ahem… May you stand strong and steady as the mountains and may our God Ralaie bless you."
What Do You Mean There Are Other Transmigrators In My Harem Fantasy?
Fantasy · Draekai