Coolguy45 - Profile



LV 15
2020-06-29 Se unió Global

Insignias 31

Moments 151


He’s already gone 💀🫡

Amberser swore earnestly, "I, Monger Greyriver, swear on my life; if I can't fulfill the promise, let me, Monger Greyriver, die without a whole corpse."

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

Fantasy · Nine Lives Fat Cat


Just became drinking buddies with Laines founder… Is the codex broken?!? Why do I only see XXXX?

Amberser didn't say a word but pulled out a small wine bottle from his personal space, filled with ink-black liquid.

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

Fantasy · Nine Lives Fat Cat


Loren’s reputation 🫡🫡

He didn't understand why High Priest Loren would appear here, let alone pretend to be the Saint of Hegemony and deceive everyone!!

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


Yo if anyone is reading this let me know if the genders in this sentence were corrected. I’m wondering if the correction feature is actually being implemented/payed attention to.

Sikder returned to his brilliant and colorful appearance, his body didn't show the slightest sign of weariness, but even the Cat Boss could sense the dangerous aura that was once around him has vanished.

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi



Deep down, Hyperion could not help but feel relieved. It seemed that Lanci had not made a name for himself in Xi Bei Province, which was a good thing.

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi



"Goodbye...Such luck is unlikely to occur a second time, Herram is not going to welcome me and make a way for me."

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi



Even though he could dissect a soul thread by thread, Amberser was still just an onlooker, and there wasn't much he could remember from a cursory glance. This Princess Airel... seemed to be part of the surrender faction?

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

Fantasy · Nine Lives Fat Cat


Lanci the Bishop of Love 🥰

"Don't misunderstand, I'm not the kind of dark Sealer like Bishop of Nirvana, all my Sealing Skills have warm and fierce nature, they were born for love and peace."

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


Friendship, love, and… war?

And Shaar's two friends, who had accompanied him for a full three days of training, were a demonstration of the power of friendship!

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


I think we just found the replacement 🗿

"Well, it begins with the historical issues of our Xue Yuan Province, which is the vacancy in the governor's position," Viscount Levin Chinston started to explain with a sigh.

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi



Amberser was very satisfied and said, "Very well, swear to the Holy Light, and I guarantee to give the Laine Empire a lesson they won't forget."

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

Fantasy · Nine Lives Fat Cat


Caught 🫲😏🫱

"I feel like normal people wouldn't go out of their way to get this."

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


Beast companion and Druid found at same time?

Just as Amberser was about to speak, the God of Alchemy laughed and said, "Haha, you've guessed it, right? Indeed, you are my smartest student. Correct, this young Druid girl, since she's in a state of temporal overlap, means that the power of time still lingers on her. If she can master this force and merge it with the natural power of a Druid, she might be able to transform into a Time Dragon."

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

This Lich Requests More Remuneration

Fantasy · Nine Lives Fat Cat


Loren skin 💀

Lanci always liked to make odd artistic cards. Previously, it had seen the skins Lanci made for the Great Love Poet.

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


Um if the school is still standing he’ll have exceeded my expectations

"His desire to win is not strong, and I don't expect him to accomplish much under the school's rules. In whatever way, if he can protect Zestira until the exam concludes, he has already exceeded my expectations."

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


Not bloodthirsty enough 😭

Compared to the Ichrite Triad he had trained in the Purgatory Corridor Academy with the standard teaching methods, this troop was somewhat lacking.

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi


Courting death 💀💀💀

Indeed, the difference between a popular woman and an unpopular one was apparent at first glance.

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi



Why did you idolize Talia, but wish to possess the Great Love Poet's abilities?

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Don't confiscate my identity as a human race

Urban · Poor Xixi

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