Jackie chuckled. "Just getting to know you, mano. Me? I got a type—goth, kinda mysterious, but, you know… caring. Someone who gets that life's a mess but doesn't make it worse, y'know?"
Video Games · IDKjust
Don't get me wrong, I'm only pointing out inconsistencies here and there because I know people, like myself, will end up spending time re-reading old chapters to see if they missed anything, haha But just out of curiosity, the Author is Asian right? The reason I ask is because this has easily got to be one of the better translations I've read from Asian authors, not to sure what Ethnicity or Nationality they are specifically hence why I'm sticking to Asian to stay on the safe side of things 😅 But usually some words have no other translations, like one Cyberpunk fanfiction I am reading has the MC being called "Boss" by netwatch netrunners who are not subordinate to the MC, only because the alternative was this hardened netrunner calling the MC "Daddy" 😂😂😂 It's a shame that languages worldwide have words with multiple meanings, not that my own language isn't the exact same 😅
Ignoring the continued knocking, Karl calmly slipped on his armored jacket, holstered Seraph, clipped on a few grenades, and grabbed his backup Crusher shotgun from his stash.
Video Games · SrMagnus
So, in order, the name for his Lexington went from Afterlife, to Overkill, to Dying Night, to Midnight, and now to Seraph
Ignoring the continued knocking, Karl calmly slipped on his armored jacket, holstered Seraph, clipped on a few grenades, and grabbed his backup Crusher shotgun from his stash.
Video Games · SrMagnus
4th different name I've heard carl come up with for his Lexington
He watched the man's back for a long time before slowly resting his hand on Midnight at his waist.
Video Games · SrMagnus
And now rather than Overkill, it's Dying Night. So, to get this cleared up for anyone else who keeps thinking they've missed parts of the story. Carl only has 1 personal weapon that he has named, and it was initially named Afterlife. Unless Carl has another paragraph in the future where he mentions giving a gun a name, chances are he means his Modified Lexington, "Afterlife"
Karl holstered Dying Night, realizing there was no one left to shoot.
Video Games · SrMagnus
Overnight? iirc, the only weapon he named was his First gun, his modified Lexington. But that was called Afterlife, right? When did he get "Overnight"?
After checking that his pistol, Overnight, was securely holstered, he turned his gaze to the Villefort parked behind the bar.
Video Games · SrMagnus
Carl wasn't familiar with the game's exact storyline, but something told him Jackie was gonna regret this habit sooner or later.
Video Games · SrMagnus
El Coyote Cojo* not afterlife im case anyone got confused for a second like me
After delivering her warning, the corpo woman stood up and hurriedly walked out of the bar, her high heels clicking against the floor. From the moment she stepped into the Afterlife to the moment she left, she hadn't spoken a single word to anyone else—nor had she even spared them a glance.
Video Games · SrMagnus
Man, it's so nice seeing a Cyberpunk fanfic that actually has Jackie speaking some Spanish
"¡Exactamente! I keep telling her that, but she won't budge. She likes 'em plain."
Video Games · SrMagnus
Did the Author buff the NCPD? Aren't they always using Lexington's and broke as hell due to crappy budgets? Honestly, its a nice change of pace 😂 Finally a Night City Police Department with some backbone
But the NCPD had proper mechs, plus grenades and Gatling guns that never let up. Maelstrom's lack of heavy firepower proved fatal. Even with their drug-fueled recklessness, they took catastrophic losses.
Gearbound: Cyberpunk 2077
Video Games · IDKjust