The_One_Below_All - Profile



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I seek to improve every day to become the best author ever! After all a man is only as big as his ambitions.

2020-06-06 Se unió Global

Insignias 7

Moments 358


When did Alex reveal his origins to her?

'How can he always seem to know what to do?' She frowned, this was something even she couldn't wrap her head around. Alex is a country bumpkin, he shouldn't know anything about the outside world. 

The Game of A Blood Mage

The Game of A Blood Mage

Book&Literature · Numera


That's pretty good ngl

As we made our way back I could feel my sister's eyes on me. I could tell she pitied me for being a c grade Talent, but what could she do she had no way of helping me. Though not that I need her help, after a couple more hours everyone had to finish with Awakening ceremony. Out of 200 clansmen only about 163 awakened an aperture. Out of the 163 only one was an A grade Talent, 4 were B grade. While the rest of us were c or d grade talents.

Reverend Insanity:

Reverend Insanity: Insatiable

Others · Forthememes

Replied to Sweatysausage

bro can't read anything that isn't fighting 😭

"This is to repay everything that they have ever given me. Their teachings. Their instruction. Their guidance... Even their Love. I hope you tell Tai Yin that as well, Tai Yang".

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


The plans was one thing but spilling out secrets and information you aren't supposed to know is wiiild 😭

Xuanyuan could always say that Elder Luo had told him, and his Master would back up his words, although would demand an explanation on how he knew such information.

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


It doesn't matter in the long run because no one would be able to actually do something with his theories but it's stupid out of principle to just be explaining stuff like this out loud to people especially to kids who don't understand a word of what your saying.

"It would be interesting, but that is not what I want. What I want, Tai Yang, is a method to enhance a physique towards something similar to the Ten Extreme Physiques. A surefire method to increase the effectiveness of Gu, and then use Ice Muscles Gu and Jade Bones Gu to further increase myself".

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante

Replied to Sweatysausage

I'm saying. Whole lotta nerd

"You have Quick Nerves Gu, which can increase the speed of your Thoughts using Lightning. Electric Barrier Gu which is uniquely effective against Metal Path and Sword Path Gu. Thunder Fire Gu, which can transform your regular lightning into a more offensive Thunder Fire. Lightning Strikes Forest Gu, which can heal wounds using lightning. Lightning As Hair Gu which can be used both defensively and offensively. Thunder Taunt Gu which uses lightning to attract the Thoughts of nearby opponents. And lastly, and my personal favorite, Shadows As Lightning Gu".

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


crazy glaze after 1 convo

"With you around, the future of my Ancient Soul Sect is guaranteed for the next millennia, possibly several millennia. If there is someone who can obtain the complete inheritance of Limitless, it is you. I have seen Abyssal Child after Abyssal Child try and fail, but you are the most suitable candidate I have ever seen for the trial, without question".

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


it's hard keeping up with who's who when gong suddenly becomes song and vice versa 😭

"So imagine my surprise, when young Song comes to me with a new Gu recipe, supposedly created by this Abyssal Child candidate. A transformation type Gu, although one that adds a quality to the shadow, rather than outright transform it. Simple, yet complex in its thinking. You are not a Transformation Path Gu Master, so why should you transform yourself needlessly?".

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Reverend Insanity: White Shadow Demonic Venerable

Anime & Comics · Bruhdamante


one of? by definition only 1 person can be omnipotent.

My long-term goal is to try and become the strongest person in this world and look into the Records of Akasha and discover the truth of the world. I guess becoming the strongest would be just a byproduct, I wanna be one of the Omnipotent and Omniscient beings."

The Game of A Blood Mage

The Game of A Blood Mage

Book&Literature · Numera

Replied to Krivai

Different context and different characters. 1. Mc form of immortality is through his bloodline so ofc he needs to have kids around 2. While benefit oriented it's still irrational. He enacts with all those women for the most part because he can, not for actual benefits. He's one of the most if not the most powerful figure in westeros and kids aren't a problem cause he got them all over the world. He keeps these females mostly as playthings not for any actual well thought out scheme they can die at any moment and he won't lose much at all. This doesn't apply to mc at all. Alex is way more pragmatic and less lustful, there's no point in keeping the headmistress around as a slave, like I said she's a danger and he could easily raise others who would grant more loyalty (without being forced either) like lily at the legendary rank if not just make an army of golems or find a couple of op beasts he can tame. If he's powerful enough to enslave the headmistress anyways and ensure that she can never do anything 2 him ever then atp he's powerful enough to where her existence doesn't matter and why would someone as pragmatic and logical as Alex who only cares for reaching perfection care about her? He wouldn't need her by then and she would provide no help.

Julie keeps Alex alive and well protected because she hopes that one day he will grow past the Legendary Rank, then she too would understand how to go past it. But she never forgets that Alex is still a threat, and she wouldn't mind killing him, he could grow to be friends with her. 'Why take the chance?'

The Game of A Blood Mage

The Game of A Blood Mage

Book&Literature · Numera

Replied to Krivai

whats with yall obsessions with enslavement? It's better off to kill someone like this than who is a major threat than to let them patiently spend years scheming and waiting for one moment to act out. Better to have legendary golems with no thought.

Julie keeps Alex alive and well protected because she hopes that one day he will grow past the Legendary Rank, then she too would understand how to go past it. But she never forgets that Alex is still a threat, and she wouldn't mind killing him, he could grow to be friends with her. 'Why take the chance?'

The Game of A Blood Mage

The Game of A Blood Mage

Book&Literature · Numera

Replied to Tenzing_Choeying_5139

what's with this generic ahh idea

What he truly needs now is to get a new Class. The Blood Mage has been fully leveled up, now he can choose through many other classes, even ones like Grass Mage, but he isn't going to choose any of the current ones available to him. He must do an action and find the knowledge to unlock his next Rare Class, the class that will push him to Legendary Rank.

The Game of A Blood Mage

The Game of A Blood Mage

Book&Literature · Numera


what stops one from transcribing the contents onto another book tho?

After these words, they continued on their way, and literally fifteen seconds later, they reached their destination. They approached the talisman with the name: Bronze Body Technique. After that, Elder Saran touched it with his finger, and the talisman flared up with silver flames. Then a book appeared in the elder's hand, which he immediately handed to Rand.

Way of the Cultivator

Way of the Cultivator

Eastern · Kreol


Well said. After all, an organization isn't meant to be some training ground for its members but a method to achieve the ambitions of those that run it.

Therefore, it was necessary to act like an ordinary person, unconnected with influential people and clans, otherwise the sect wouldn't truly invest in your advancement, no matter how talented you were. Any organization primarily needs devoted people. Talent comes second. So even if you have the potential to reach high levels of cultivation, but there are doubts about your loyalty, then for the sect, you will be mostly useless, and your fate will at best be that of a follower or disciple for the rest of your days without hope of promotion.

Way of the Cultivator

Way of the Cultivator

Eastern · Kreol

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