Golden88 - Profile



LV 4
2020-05-27 Se unió Global

Insignias 5

Moments 702


I like that he is kinda complaining about an ability, That could save his life, when just before his only powers were being a plant.

After a while, he consoled himself, "Well, the Rebound Shield isn't bad. It seems to block and rebound some energy attacks and physical attacks?"

Starting as a Class Five Mutant

Starting as a Class Five Mutant

Anime & Comics · Zaelum


I bet it's Davy jones theme

Maybe it was a sea shanty, maybe it used to be an Orchestra, he had never managed to remember where that song had originated from...

One Piece: Reborn as Enel

One Piece: Reborn as Enel

Anime & Comics · VeganMaster


Imagine, someone like All might or superman with this.

• Hero of Justice! - Wearing the cape, your strength will increase tenfold when you're saving someone.

Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Mark of the Multiversal Pretender

Movies · SlimeSage


Welcome to the problems of the Finish-Soviet war

But to their surprise, this road had a low-lying section where the snow layer was thicker than on the highway. One after another, vehicles broke down due to the snow scraping against their undercarriages, or for some other reason, causing a series of malfunctions, and the engines could no longer start.

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Video Games · kibishi718


Spike strips

Because he just noticed that a soldier dropped something similar to triangular nails not far from the roadblock. They were laughing so arrogantly just now, and it will be ugly when they cry later.

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Video Games · kibishi718



There was a critical situation when more than a dozen infected people climbed up together. A soldier opened his arms and swooped over to take all the infected people down.

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Video Games · kibishi718


Man Joel and Tommy's plot armour isbl insane

But who would have thought that the bearded soldier didn't answer him? He just remembered the frightened expression on the soldier's face and took a deep breath before continuing: "They fired, and these two madmen will naturally fight back, but can you imagine? They said that the bullets seemed to be unable to hit these two people at all. No matter how they shot, the two men could always find the right angle to knock them down. The entire team of about fifty people was actually beaten in the end. There are less than ten people left!"

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Surviving The Last Of Us World

Video Games · kibishi718


What next he gonna fight the entire Village one arm behind his back

He even believed he could hold his own against a ten-year-old, thanks to the mature soul within him. Who would fear a fight? After all, his body contained the essence of an adult. Battles? He was ready for them.

Naruto: I Quit

Naruto: I Quit

Anime & Comics · Kitty_Loves_Milk


Man how bloody petty

In response, the brain shuts down to keep the signals from leaving, therefore sealing the guys fate.

Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Video Games · Eaglestriker_22


Remember, it's always faster to switch weapons than reload.

Stepping over their dead bodies, I drop my current assault rifle and grab one of theirs instead of taking the time to reload.

Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Overwatch: Rise of Rose

Video Games · Eaglestriker_22


Man is treating this as donkey kong

He cut the fire off, rapidly retreating as he lobbed fireball after fireball at me, but I juked and weaved through them all, leaning heavily into the instinctive mastery that my new martial arts skill and personal experience gave me.

In Marvel As Dante

In Marvel As Dante

Movies · RaedaX_1

Replied to JTGTitan_96

It has claimed many lives

The noble was a greasy man with a small mustache. His cheeks quivered as he shook with anger. He had never been insulted like this before. He demanded respect, and those that refused to give it to him usually ended up dead, or worse, missing.



Anime & Comics · greenbaypitbull


Oh Get fucked

[—The Uchiha Clan has accused Shimura Danzo of Bloodline Theft—]

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Naruto: The Outsider's Resolve

Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader


Follow the first

I stayed in the military, getting every medal they had and another photo with the President this time again. Then because I stayed in the military, they promoted me from 2nd Lieutenant to Captain. My old rank from my old life and I was given command of the First Company of the US Army. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar

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