this really only matters to the people buying privlage reading but you have a typo in the kinetic energy tier. the title says "180chapters" and the description says 18 chapters XD feel like that 0 should be a space. great book so far, can't wait to read more.
hmm. did not know how cover was blown.
"Did you ask to fight Ning?" she asked, turning to Mercy.
Eastern · Snoring_Panda
welcome back, hope you where able to get everything sorted, and i also hope their is no long term problems. this is out of my field of expertise so i truly am wishing you the best.
been here and reading the whole time, just life has been keeping me busy
*tease us
how you going to tease is with zell and obsidian's soon 😆
keep up the great work and glad your feeling better.
we are almost caught back up in terms of raw power zell has.
auto correct can be a writers bane some times 😆
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Action · Alphachoas
yea, everything is going good, just between jobs and getting ready to start collage so i have not been able to afford topping up, still enjoy your books and actually started rereading reincarnated at lvl 2mil. glad your books are doing really well from what i can see. i also look forward to when i can afford to catch up but bills got to come first 😆
Reincarnated at Level Two Million
Action · Alphachoas