I can’t and see that now thank you!
I had a larger ship design in the pipe line. It's function as a fleet supply and to an extend repair ship. I named the Buir class ship or just the mother ship. Instead of the c-shaped arms of the Lucrehulk, it would be u shaped. With each arm being 5000 meters long. And there was four such arms coming out of a spherical center structure. It would be sufficiently armed, armored and shielded, well according to Mandalorian standard. Each arm will have large fuel tanks and retractable arms to supply this fuel to ships. They can also store large amounts of cargo needed to maintain and repair ships. It will also have small drydocks all over the interior of the arms to repair ships of 400m length. They will also have Gatobar class engineer drones to repair ships. Even large ships can be docked within the arms and the drones will repair and resupply the ship. No fleet or army can function without a proper supply chain. (My version of the Altor- replenishment ships).
Movies · JohnnyReever
And he would be chosen to repent for doing so by leading the defense of Tsaritsyn against the Tsarist Forces and the accompanying Iron Brigade.
War · Zentmeister
Rather their deaths would be so cruel, so vicious, so ruthless, that by the time this war had been won in favor of the Tsar, Bruno would earn himself another nickname that would strike fear into the hearts of his enemies for years to come.
War · Zentmeister
Of course, nobody could know that these preparations were not made for the Russian Revolution, but the Great War that was to come in the following decade.
War · Zentmeister
Still, Bruno did not come close to completing either design with the two hours he had given himself on this night. And instead climbed not to bed after the time was up like he had promised. He would spend the next week making these two blueprints. As for when they could enter production? Only time would tell.
War · Zentmeister
Finally caught up after not reading for a couple of months
Minecraft: loading new world
Video Games · EnderStar