

male LV 15
2020-04-23 Se unió United States
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25 days ago

Well they lost others so maybe dead?

The rider of the golden dragon dismounted with a fluid grace, removing his helmet to reveal a face both young and ancient, with dark hair streaked with silver and eyes that seemed to hold the weight of ages. He bowed deeply before King Jaehaerys and Queen Alysanne, then turned to Gael with a gentle smile.

Rebirth of House Peverell

Rebirth of House Peverell

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago
Replied to Llioh

So you’ve changed characters ages? Or is this a mistake?

Meanwhile, Arya's twin Sansa observed the scene with a serene expression, her gaze following the graceful arcs of Cregan's sword as he parried and thrust. "He's very skilled, isn't he?" she remarked softly, her voice carrying a note of admiration.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago

I understand that his body is that of a 1 year old but he still has the mind of a 17-18 year old

"This is where you belong now, Cregan," Ned murmured softly, his voice filled with a mixture of pride and determination. "Winterfell is your home."

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago

Wasn’t he there?

Tywin's steely gaze bore into Kevan, his expression unreadable. "And how did the betrothal between Lord Cregan and Princess Rhaenys come to pass?" he inquired, his voice tinged with barely contained frustration.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago
Replied to W_D_3766

It’s probably what’s meant if not conveyed properly

Ned reached out and gently squeezed her hand. "Our role will evolve as Cregan's reign progresses. We will continue to support him as his advisors and guides, ensuring the prosperity and security of our family and the North. As for Moat Cailin, I intend to have Cregan appoint me as its lord, to oversee its restoration and defense."

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago

So is he more just a babe with impressions from Harry’s life for now?

Cregan's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect of meeting his betrothed, his enthusiasm palpable. "Can I meet her now, Aunt Elia?" he asked eagerly, his youthful curiosity brimming with anticipation.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago

How long passed between the tower and reaching kings landing again?

Cregan's expression remained composed, his demeanor a testament to the maturity and understanding that belied his youth. Having borne witness to the events at the Tower of Joy, he had long grappled with the complexities of his family's history, and Elia's admission served only to reinforce the depth of their shared bonds.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago

Family above all

Standing in the heart of King's Landing, I couldn't ignore the nagging doubts that tugged at the corners of my mind. The lie Uncle Ned had just spoken to the court was a stark departure from the principles of honor and integrity that his mother had told him defined his uncle.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago
Replied to lee_lee_0533

Well with his magic he might as well be :)

Ashara's eyes shone with unshed tears as she beheld her son, a sense of awe and gratitude filling her heart. Though she had feared for Cregan's future in a world that would judge him for his parentage, she now saw hope and promise reflected in Ned's words. With a smile of gratitude, she reached out to grasp Cregan's hand, silently vowing to stand by him as he assumed his rightful place as Lord of Winterfell.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653

25 days ago

What about Jamie’s hand. Just going to let him bleed out?

Ned's expression softened slightly, though his eyes remained guarded as he considered Jaime's words. It was clear that he grappled with conflicting emotions—anger at the betrayal of his sworn duty, yet a begrudging respect for the man who had dared to defy convention and risk everything for the greater good.

Starborn and Winterforged

Starborn and Winterforged

Book&Literature · Vikrant_Utekar_5653