Gitta_Fekete - Profile


LV 1
2020-04-21 Se unió Global

Insignias 1

Moments 17


Sunny have a reason to be an outcast he has not. Just make his life hard for no reason.

'Jackpot! Who are you going to avoid like a plague? The guy who makes you see your death when you look at him, of course!'

Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands

Shadow Slave: Diaries of a Stranger in even Stranger Lands

Book&Literature · John_Doe_777


That's a rule that the First Nightmare only can have Dormant and Awakened Creatures.


There is no goal in a Nightmare, you can finish it many way.


He is right, but if Dark Magus break everything that would be a lot of noise and he caught red handed. He won't be a suspect.

"If you look at the wounds and the shop, things don't match up. The two of them are covered in wounds, as if they were both fighting for their lives, and yet the items on the shelves, the countless ornaments all over the place, have no signs that they've fallen off or anything of the sort. To me, it looks more like a staged scene."

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


The detectable decomposition smell begins within 24-48 hours as putrefaction sets in, but it only intensifies between 4-10 days, so if they think the smell was that bad and there are bugs than it's doesn't happened yesterday.

"Based on the bodies' decomposition, I would say this had to have happened yesterday. Their muscles are still hardened from rigor mortis. What's confusing me is the scene itself."

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


He still have all the crytals and he know your secret that you use magic. Good job.

Raze continued to stare at the direction Gren had taken off to, but hope seemed fleeting. After what he had done, the chance of Gren returning was slim.

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga

Replied to good_ness

You are right, I always though that is weird when mc love his sister who is a complete stranger.

'What a strange brother,' Safa thought, smiling slightly. Despite his threatening looks and harsh words, why did she feel safe around him?

Dark Magus Returns

Dark Magus Returns

Fantasy · JKSManga


I like her!

"At the core of it, there is only this: you are trying to kill your opponent, and they are trying to kill you. In the end, one of you will be killed, and the other one will be the killer. Everything else is just noise."

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


What's your true name? Why do you think I have one? (It's not a lie) And he don't talk much just don't answer!

If he could only tell the truth, how was he supposed to hide his True Name? Wouldn't anyone be able to turn him into an obedient slave by simply asking a couple of innocent questions?

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


Not the first time killer and not the last.

Some time later, Hero was back, acting as though nothing had happened. But it was exactly that normalcy that unnerved Sunny the most.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


I'm 21 but people think I'm 14 it's terrible!

It was a bit strange to feel good amidst this disaster of a Nightmare, but, thankfully, Sunny had time to prepare himself for this eventuality. When the symptoms of the Spell first appeared, he did not handle it well. Dying before you even turn seventeen was not something one could easily cope with.

Shadow Slave

Shadow Slave

Fantasy · Guiltythree


So soul fragments are horcruxes just don't make you immortal.

Any damage to the soul might cause the collapse of a demon's mental state, their magic energy to dissipate, and so on, causing the demon's strength to drop significantly. Roy used up about fifty of Araniya's soul fragments to materialize his demon wings. This was a severe injury to her. It was already a feat for Araniya not to go crazy on the spot, so how could she still possess the energy to jump across the river to kill him?

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon

Replied to Desired

Can't move! He can only aim above him! And there is unfortunately not the monster's head.


Roy felt so much pain that he felt he was going mad. He aimed the muzzle of his gun on the stomach of the four-eyed demon and shot two more times.

Custom Made Demon King

Custom Made Demon King

Games · Dark Old Demon

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