it's just a hobby
I'm Brazilian but speak english a litle
2020-04-17 Se unióBrazil
Obras originales
Insignias 5
Moments 1
3 years ago
Replied to commander_pride_21
i didn't want to do this but I messed up and then there was no way of turning back anymore, honestly I don't care about the money (I didn't gain anything and i don't expect to gain) but i didn't know how it worked, I wanted to do like, the three more recent chapters being paywalled and the rest became free (just like webtoon) but once I put it paywalled There was no way to put it for free, I didn't know how many chapters people usually put it for free, so i just put two, and i can't erase any of the chapters to erase the paywalled and put then for free, so now I'm trying to post the paywalled again but for free 😭😭 I'm SUPER newbie on this, I just wrote an short fic in my all life, sorry :(
Repentinamente e sem explicação aparente toda a humanidade entre em um estado de coma por tempo indeterminado, ao acordarem se deparam com um mundo cheio de monstros e magia. Gabriel, um jovem de 17 anos, acorda nesse "novo mundo", sem sua família ou amigos. Esse é o dia-a-dia de alguém que perdeu tudo e enquanto mata monstros, está tentando reencontrar um motivo para viver mais um dia.
Suddenly and with no apparent explanation, all of humanity enters a state of coma for an indefinite time, upon waking up they are faced with a world full of monsters and magic. Gabriel, a 17 year old, wakes up in this "new world", without his family or friends. This is the day-to-day life of someone who lost everything and while killing monsters, he is trying to find a reason to live another day.
A história é uma fanfic de após os acontecimentos do novo filme de konosuba: Legend of Crimson
Narrando Uma pequena história amorosa entre Kazuma e megumin
i didn't want to do this but I messed up and then there was no way of turning back anymore, honestly I don't care about the money (I didn't gain anything and i don't expect to gain) but i didn't know how it worked, I wanted to do like, the three more recent chapters being paywalled and the rest became free (just like webtoon) but once I put it paywalled There was no way to put it for free, I didn't know how many chapters people usually put it for free, so i just put two, and i can't erase any of the chapters to erase the paywalled and put then for free, so now I'm trying to post the paywalled again but for free 😭😭 I'm SUPER newbie on this, I just wrote an short fic in my all life, sorry :(
The Awaken: New Old World
Fantasy · LietzL