Webnovel doesn't habe any italics, so I just use that .
After reading the second person's greeting, I was quite surprised with how I was able to reign in my squeal. They said they were 2°E°, but anyone who played Nier: Automata would know who she truly was, 2B! My absolute °waifu°! This is practically °more° than a dream come true! Of course, in my mind, I'll call her 2B, but if were to officially meet and she prefers 2E, then I would surely eventually get used to that.
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
Tnx for the correction.
Este párrafo ha sido eliminado.
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
True. Also, is she technically a yandere?
And speaking of the other person! There, standing beside Kim, was Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Like, holy fuck! She's absolutely adorable! Despite having rather decent proportions, Marinette can only be described as absolutely precious!
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
As if reading my thoughts, Touka pinched me, causing me to quietly yelp and give her a lighthearted glare in response to her own possessive ones. I love her, I truly do. Possessive women are also on top of my types, but that wouldn't stop me from lusting over other women, at least only visual wise, even if said possessive woman goes yandere.
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
May I use this?
We tried it once, seeing if we can go back to the same world. We went to the same Side Mission worlds with the same Side Mission, but each time we did so, it was like we never existed to the people we interacted with. However, I still hope we get the chance to go back here. And if that time doesn't come, well, the Shop seems to have everything, so if I have the chance and the money, then I'll take it.
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
Penny is the Dimensional Chat Group Administrator, technically the leader, but Jasmine is just more competent in human interactions and more knowledgeable since, well, she watches the animes and can gain information easier.
"Truly!? You would help us!?" Darkness, the one who originally wanted to do this quest, was holding onto Penny's hands as she asked this. Our leader, for her part, simply smiled like an angel.
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
Nah. The goal is to °Kill° Koro-Sensei, so it won't work, unfortunately
[A/N: Please suggest any anime or games you want to be used here. I'll pick those that I am at least familiar with!]
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
It's just unfortunate that we couldn't go to one another's world freely so that we could help Penny out. There was an item that let us do so in the Shop, but it was fucking °expensive°!
漫画同人 · JazmineShyly
"I refuse."
漫画同人 · Bleap