
LV 15
2020-04-04 Se unió United States
Insignias 12

Moments 58
1 years ago
Replied to Giuseppe_Garibaldi

I’m sure the tower is taking care of it with that room

"What about Balkor, Manohar, and Zavra?" Kelia asked.

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

1 years ago

Seems like a waste of an opportunity. I mean with his current and other world knowldge starting a consultant firm of sorts would have solved all problems of pay, security, and Independence no? Just my own thought. It’s what I would have attempted in his shoes. Seperate churches working individually all having the same issues stated from previous chapters as well as communication. They sound like this worlds SPC foundation with the resources, tech, and magic without the research and knowledge base infostructure.

1 years ago
Replied to Redbeard_Steelskin

Not necessarily, if you do it due to your own principles and values then self gratification is irrelevant. Do it simply because it’s the right thing to do.

"Don't do it for them because they don't deserve it. Do it for yourself."

Supreme Magus

Supreme Magus

Fantasy · Legion20

1 years ago
Replied to 95_novel_maniac_95

Yes and no. Imports always cost more due to logistics and time factors on Parishables like grain. So to compete local farms need to lower prices. Farmers makes less but citizens have more to spend on other things besides grain. This has been reflected in the real world more often than not. The problem is when other countries governments employ what equates to slave labor making it impossible to compete locally. We have seen this too. It’s better to circulate money in more than just a food market to build an economy instead of maintaining one via price controls and it’s why capitalism worked so well, especially in the past.

Zhou Mingrui nodded in vague acknowledgment. Klein's memories regarding this were incomplete. All he remembered was that the core tenet of the Grain Act was to protect the prices of domestic agriculture products. Before the prices rose to a certain level, grain imports from Southern nations like Feynapotter, Masin, Lenburg were stopped.

Lord of Mysteries

Lord of Mysteries

Fantasy · Cuttlefish That Loves Diving

1 years ago

So many people in the comments are confused 😂. With the law local farms are able to price control and because of price caps it causes shortages. Without it they have to compete via lower prices. The farmers make less but everyone else gets more. It’ capitalism in the making and it’s basic 101 stuff.

2 years ago

My dude! This is not only one of if not the best story on here, but also one of the best written. I have been here since the beginning and it’s been awesome to see you evolve and get better as a writer. Keep it up! I really hope you expand this story beyond just words on the internet, I need more my guy.

2 years ago

Nooo! Spiders are our friends!

2 years ago

Please stop with the stats. It takes up half the chapter. This is how you loose readers. That and your overpriced privilege chapters.

2 years ago
Replied to AslansNovels

If he reaches out and you need help let me know. For free of course 😁

2 years ago
Replied to AslansNovels

I came here to say this. He isn’t far off and only a little revision will fix everything and go a long way

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