At that moment, I remembered the little boy from the park who had identical features to James. If I didn't know any better, I would've sworn that he was James' son. But maybe under the surface, there was a lesson to be learned from that. "Our loved ones are closer to us than we think. They might not be here, but they've left things and people behind that carry on their existence."
I think that child is either Cade's or James's
At that moment, I remembered the little boy from the park who had identical features to James. If I didn't know any better, I would've sworn that he was James' son. But maybe under the surface, there was a lesson to be learned from that. "Our loved ones are closer to us than we think. They might not be here, but they've left things and people behind that carry on their existence."
The Cuddle Pact
Urban · papersplanes