Samuel812753 - Profile



male LV 4

love reading, having fun and listening to music, exerciseing, hanging out with friend

2020-04-01 Se unió United States

Insignias 16

Moments 829


love to see her kids and would she make a good mother

I had been blessed with geniuses; there was no doubt about it. Draco was a prodigy, far ahead of the stories I had heard from others in the ministry. Snape had been in charge of the births for many of the children and was a trusted opinion from those who were not friends of St. Mungo's. He stated that Draco, at his first birthday, had far outclassed his peers in the amount of magic he possesses. I am more than willing to brag about how he was able to walk and say his first word at such a young age or that he has already experienced his first magical riot. My daughter was much harder to talk about. There is a difference between prodigy and whatever word you use to describe my daughter. Her feats were quite monstrous; Snape believes her first magical riot had come while she was in the womb, which is why the birth was so taxing for Narcissa. Her physical body is apparently as strong as a child of six or seven years despite being only one and a quarter years old, and her magical amount more comparable to a seven or eight-year-old. She consumes a large number of calories, which all seem to be burned creating a more powerful Malfoy. Seras is also wildly intelligent for her age. She is already able to speak and read; she even seems to have a love for studying difficult subjects like ancient runes. How much she actually learns from the books is unknown to me, but she seems to take notes as she goes. She very rarely just sits and plays like her brother. All of this doesn't even mention her eyes. If she can truly see magic, and it seems like she can, she will be the most eligible bachelorette of all time. A family could be able to lord the ability to see magic over all the others for all time. Part of me hopes she is barren or interested in women when the time comes. She may be a Malfoy, but her kids three generations down won't be.

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

A Skeptical Slytherins Revolution

Book&Literature · Joebiden_Biden



[Felicia] (ps. I was thinking about giving her 9 nines and gaining cat features which she could hide and what not, kinda like a Fantasy Beast-Man) 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

Replied to Samuel812753

since there travel the sea

"I don't give a fleeting gale about what you just said. It's how you talk to me that surprises me and I will not have it, no matter who you f*ck. So you either reign in your attitude before I have to do it, savvy?"

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH


isn't he also the god of pirates.

"I don't give a fleeting gale about what you just said. It's how you talk to me that surprises me and I will not have it, no matter who you f*ck. So you either reign in your attitude before I have to do it, savvy?"

Competent Poseidon

Competent Poseidon

Anime & Comics · DaoistqZxYMH

Replied to CliffkunLolRekt

Superman can pull that off due to his immense strength, but when against someone more powerful then him it's usually becomes a hindrance

"Very nice, very nice. I like your style. And no capes, I see. Good, good. Capes are dangerous, you know. They can get caught on things, or get sucked into jet engines, or get pulled by villains. No capes!" she said emphatically.

Spider-Verse: The New Hero

Spider-Verse: The New Hero



I always thought that was very stupid

Peter commented, "So you actually recruited a member of Hydra and thought that was a good idea?" He chuckled.

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

Movies · AlienWarlord


kane and sadie

It seemed the Egyptian gods were real, judging by the various magical properties Percy was seeing in each artifact there. Soon enough after Grove was done with his business the two joined the main group who were now surrounding Mr. Brunner.

Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

Percy Jackson and the Gaia System

Movies · UchihaFamily


totally unnecessary

Lucius, infuriated at the mere notion that his house elf thought it could trick him like this and worse, nearly succeeding, pulled out his wand and angrily fired off a killing curse. He momentarily regretted killing his servant, but quickly rationalized that it was better than having a house elf around that thought it was clever.

Emerald Eyes and New Beginnings

Emerald Eyes and New Beginnings

Book&Literature · FandomQuillScribe


yay animal themed

"Okay, I know this might seem crazy and like a very stupid, stupid idea, but if it works, this would be immensely helpful. Now, what if we use the Lizard's DNA and, with Aria's help, we come up with a serum that would give us the powers of different animals, like it did for the Lizard?"

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

Replied to Temesgen_Mit

it's the marvel Universe

Once again instinctively they took a hold of it, stopping their momentum and stopping their fall. 'ORGANIC WEBS BABYYYY' Shouted Peter in his head 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3



"Yeah the one I'm talking about even have many acrobatics moves. So you need to be really flexible to do it" 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

Replied to DaoistosrKh6

you could have him get by a super archanaid that has the DNA of every single spider and its relatives

Peter already started making gadgets towards when he would become Spider-Man. He already has made a homemade webshooter and is now experimenting on different chemical formulas on how to make different webs. 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3


she'll probably say you just hit the jackpot tiger

Peter although confused nodded his head but stopped halfway through 'It couldn't be, could it?' 

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

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