I agree, I hope this will be only for demonstration purposes as the first mass. I think they should have woodworkers, craftsmen, and artisans create those things and providing them a sense of purpose and job to make those things later on. Especially when the protagonist eventually builds a church.
As the bells of Sunspear tolled to announce the morning hour, a large crowd gathered. Rows of wooden pews—conjured by Gideon's hands using the gifts of his Lord—had been arranged before an altar adorned with candles and engraved white cloth. The crowd sat expectantly, their eyes fixed on the man standing at the center.
Book&Literature · InkDweller
Surprisingly, for a man of faith, he showed great restraint and tolerance towards Oberyn. As I think he understands that it is sin that you should despise, not the sinner. Let’s hope he shows patience, loved and care while he shows the gospel to Oberyn. Maybe he can use examples of saints and apostles as examples as we’re all sinners and how we are imperfect compared to god.
"I must politely refuse your invitation."
Book&Literature · InkDweller
The First Mass, oh boy… this is going to spread and ramifications of this is consequential as the path of Christians will be tumultuous, but the beatitudes will help them in time. Whether they are persecuted, tortured, or killed for their faith.
Maybe Mormonism? Which is pretty heretical if you really studied its theology
And I don’t mean technically, I mean literally
(A/N) Planning on a slow-burn romance between Arriane and Gideon, but it will take many many chapters to flesh out. Also, this is no harem if that isn't clear.
Book&Literature · InkDweller
It wouldn’t be, Christianity forbids polygamy, and it would be technically a sin by breaking the covenant of marriage.
(A/N) Planning on a slow-burn romance between Arriane and Gideon, but it will take many many chapters to flesh out. Also, this is no harem if that isn't clear.
Book&Literature · InkDweller
How many books in this Bible? Depending what version, it could be 66, 73, or even 81.
Before Doran could respond, Gideon muttered a quiet prayer under his breath. His hands moved purposefully above the sacred book, and a soft golden light radiated from his palms. Slowly, the glow coalesced into the shape of a second Bible, less intricate in design but still exquisitely crafted.
Book&Literature · InkDweller
What month?
This one should have a surname, I suggest “Chowā” as it has similar meanings to “Yi”
MC's Japanese Name: Ichin (Which will be used most of the time)
Anime & Comics · iRedX43
What?! I’m pretty sure it doesn’t exist in Naruto.
"Jesus!" Jiraiya exclaimed, spinning around. "You're not a ninja, The heck am I getting snuck up on for!"
Harry Potter: Toji Potter
Anime & Comics · WRizz1