What's it do
1. Rod of Arafel (Darksiders 2)
Anime & Comics · ZPrime
The fucks a lif?
The last thing I remember is the cracking sound. That sharp, almost musical snap that tore through the night as the ice gave way under the little girl's steps. Her screams pierced me before my brain even registered what was happening. I was already moving, my hockey stick clenched in my hands like a lif
Movies · Josden
Too easy
{Acquisition of the Ultimate Skill [Child of Luck] successful}
Anime & Comics · bigmanjames58
So true like why so short
Who dafuq is raiden
Surprisingly his body didn't have many changes, it looked like any normal child looked, aside from his white hair, but the couple knew he must have inherited it from his mother Lucy, she was what in this world are known as Mutants, Lucy found out about her powers at the age of sixteen however, unlike Raiden, who she assumed had them since birth, which is why she worried heavily about Aiden
Anime & Comics · Gilgamesh9669
Still hate C#
Have you ever programmed in C, C++, or a similar language?
Anime & Comics · Edgar_CT
Plz explain
"Rokukusenzei never disappoints."
Anime & Comics · Feng_Ye_4604
Joanna Lannister
TV · Ninja_King_3834
Is she an oc
Joanna Lannister
TV · Ninja_King_3834
Tokyo lazy to look up
1. Rod of Arafel (Darksiders 2)
DxD: Forsaken Regalia (Gacha fic)
Anime & Comics · ZPrime