wasn't it said that Koko was a more mature Rais (body wise), & if so that will be interesting with Orphis hanging around Koko when she meets Issei. Great story btw!
I'm surprised that no one has 'directly' tried anything against the group yet. (Aside from you know who...)
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Anime & Comics · InGlorious
The power of (infinite - dreams) are similar though if you think about both are powerful & technically 'infinite' as well. In my opinion dream would be stronger because of versatility that goves so many options. Good story m8! :)
I say no, your Izuku seem more semi chaotic peaceful. Even so if given unless your planning to make him immortal it will hurt him in the long run. If i recall correctly I believe it was said that one for all lowers life span though I could be wrong.
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Anime & Comics · daoistofeverything
Time to outsmart the outsmart.
Aika clone with a mimikyu face!
author thinks of idea, says to continue giving stones in hopes they'll do the opposite. Gets 3x mote stones afterwards.
I 'wonder' of the mc is gonna be in the dungeon next chapter? 🤔
Golden Deity: Slime in the Multiverse
Anime & Comics · TianXian