Raizen_Tempest - Profile



LV 14
2020-02-08 Se unió Global

Insignias 13

Moments 555


uq holders foot technique is perfect for his quirk imo 👍

"Holy shit!" Allmight shouted, "In three leaps! Young Kirishima reached the finish line!"

To Become Unstoppable

To Become Unstoppable

Anime & Comics · LesserCodex

Replied to killm0

i think it has the word gaki in it I'm not sure 🤔

Her eyes were rolled with hearts visible in it and her tongue was hanging out of mouth with a silly smile adoring her beautiful face making me more aroused and hotter .

Wives:Hentai Summoning

Wives:Hentai Summoning

Anime & Comics · TheSlothfulKing

Replied to Fefe117

probably this 👍


Mai Sakurajima: I want to cry too! I earned 400 points by selling my dignity and doing this shameful dance, but what did I get after all...

Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Lord Of A World: I Have A Group Chat As My Cheat!!

Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker

Replied to Ethan_Venable

he has to win in the indigo league first 👍

Even if I'm not lucky enough I can still get a 50-50 draw with a newbie Pokémon that just debuted.

Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

Anime & Comics · stromerthaha

Replied to JuliusCreedence


It definitely wasn't the movie lizard; it looked drastically different, especially in the face. The movie had a more human appearance while this looked more monstrous. Its size was also terrifying as it lifted cars and threw them around.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All

Replied to DaoistahH8hp

i just realized that their wearing huge c#ndoms


She must be worried about accidentally touching someone. I wonder if there is something I could do to help her. Ah, I'll think about it in the future.

Marvel: Tech System

Marvel: Tech System

Anime & Comics · Unknown_To_All



"Oh" Gwen mutters blushing as well, they slowly brought their hands together and intertwined their fingers together enjoying their moment alone together.

Spider-Man Mayhem

Spider-Man Mayhem

Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3

Replied to Amirul_Adli_2010


"Would you, would you teach me? How to be l-l-lewd…?" Kara finally asked, blushing an almost neon red color.

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Gotham's Dead End Bar

Anime & Comics · Daddy

Replied to Dominus_Imperius

I've seen worse


"I would love it if you got fat but you still want to get your revenge right?" asked Izuku.

MHA:-Glitch In Reality

MHA:-Glitch In Reality

Anime & Comics · Numix


thank you for the hard work


Yo guys want to say one thing don't know what kind off personal vengence these Chinese people have with og ash from starting to the end there was full of og ash bashing it took quite a bit of time to correct all the bashing sure we all had some form of displeasure towards Ash myself particularly don't like the ash who was introduced in black and white series but bashing him for every two or three sentences was worst they even told butterfree doesn't even cared for ash fuckers if he didn't care for ash he wouldn't have shown Im the finale of the series these Chinese people were poisoning the whole franchise I will try to change all these poisons support me guys.

Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

Pokemon: Reborn as ash , Make up for your regrets and become stronger

Anime & Comics · stromerthaha

Replied to Dissapointed_One


"la, lalalallal, laaaaaa" Another second or day of my monotonous life, sigh. "Send me to hell or heaven, but what is this torture room?" I yelled again.

World Hopping-Easy Mode

World Hopping-Easy Mode

Anime & Comics · Enigmatic_Dream

Replied to Deippy_Deippy

I Think he meant before sage body he had uzumaki level chakra 👍

However, it should be known that he originally possessed a large amount of Chakra. This amount was not less than the amount of Chakra that the Uzumaki clan possesses.

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Anime & Comics · TitoVillar

Replied to Agwinz


Ron reached out and caught the money pouch, then swiftly closed the distance between himself and Nami. With a quick movement, he seized her by the back of the neck, preventing her from fleeing any further. She struggled, but Ron had her firmly in his grasp.

One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

One Piece: I Have a Billion Skill Points

Anime & Comics · Chibaku_Monster

Replied to Ximnax

all of that for a pair of shoes


May I ask, is throwing a classmate out of a third-floor window considered illegal behavior?

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Revival of Uchiha, Starting with a Harem

Anime & Comics · TitoVillar

Replied to GreyKnights


Kazuki chuckled, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on her shoulder. "Exactly. We'll call it the 'Anti-Zombie Cuddle Coalition.' Safety in numbers, after all."

Level Up in Highschool of the Dead

Level Up in Highschool of the Dead

Anime & Comics · KanmuruZ

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