entonces como sabe hablar o caminar?
"Uh... right... my name is...," it was then that he realized, to his absolute horror, that he had no idea what his name was or if he even had a name.
Book&Literature · John_Doe_777
isobu no tenia solo 2 patas?
However, Alex turns into a mini Isobu instead. He just becomes something like a human-sized turtle instead of a humanoid turtle. So now he is just a big turtle that stands on all 4 and has 3 tails.
Anime & Comics · Grim_Fairy
por que tiene tetas?
"Maybe," Samael replied, watching Danny's table across the cafeteria. His brother sat with Sam Manson and Tucker Foley, their heads together over what looked like blueprints. Something about that made him uneasy.
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
lamentablemente el no puede
"My sources have tracked him to Brazil," I continue. "Remote area, minimal civilian presence. It's the best chance we'll get to reach him before Ross does."
Movies · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
What holy animal am I going to choose?
Anime & Comics · ValeronWriter
no le dieron una bola mágica para que se comunicara?
Alex doesn't know how all of them are doing now because although he always sends letters to Ur's house whenever he visits a town, he can never get any reply because he never stays in a town for more than 3 days.
Anime & Comics · Grim_Fairy
esta tomando pociones con ingredientes de dudosa procedencia
Nico gasped, his eyes widening. "Does he do drugs?"
Book&Literature · Shadow_D_Monarch3
no lo había completado ya?
"Well, I assume you'd still be brilliant and resourceful, but far less charming without my presence," Alfred teased. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to monitoring your ongoing Ark Reactor project. It's about 60% complete, by the way."
Movies · Theshadowveil7
si de todas formas vamos a ir al infierno por esto mas vale que valga la pena
"Maybe not, but you certainly don't deserve to go to heaven, not with your search history," Lucifer responded with a wink, "Luckily for you, I've come to offer an olive branch."
Anime & Comics · Black_Paladyn
que hace un oso hormiguero en el bosque?
With a sturdy stick in hand, Ashburn set his sights on the anteater. He'd heard before that an anteater's claws were strong enough to rip through a human neck. He had no idea if that was true, but he wasn't about to test it the hard way. If this thing was as dangerous as they said, then it was too valuable to ignore.
The Shadow Monarch In The Marvel World
Anime & Comics · itachi1010