He was still a loser.
Ciencia ficción · Exlor
First why is this in the female lead section? Second I mean what is the point of revealing something like Rias actions if so little changes besides Asia dying. Which has implications I don’t like because of a certain someone. Third is this AU because if this is then it a pointless one because the changes that have happened so far are meaningless because the character growth is spotty.
Is this the last chapter
The RA Senior paused in his work and stared at Ves with a puzzled expression.
Ciencia ficción · Exlor
We are finally reached this point in the story.
Did Ves just become a senior mech designer
Pretty good yugioh story. I like how you’re progressing the story, but would love to see more in-depth explanations of how the system works and the yugioh meta situation back then. Overall love the story and hope to read more.
What have you done Joshua
"That is why the living mechs want you to hook them up with human-sized avatar machines." Joshua shockingly revealed. "They want to become a part of the family, sir!"
Ciencia ficción · Exlor
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one
I don't know if anyone still remembers the story, but I'll start posting again anyway. Now that I can hold my phone and write, I'm happy, hahaha.
Creating games in the future
Otros · just_a_potato_soul