HeartlessMidna - Profile



female LV 12

32 🇵🇷

2020-01-22 Se unió United States

Insignias 10

Moments 80


Yea cuz that’s always smart to sit there & antagonize a man that they literally helped to abuse & torture…Cant wait to see how this ends. Stupid crown prince smh

"I am sure you must miss these kinds of moments. I still remember what people said that whenever Alpha Gerald threw a party, they would call upon you the most!" Alan sneered, he reminded Cane of his slavery days. "Why don't you call the savages, Alpha Gallot? Alpha Cane and his people surely miss the taste of them!"

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep


What kills me is that she’s hurting & still wants other ppl to experience that same hurt that she & the other members of her pack felt. I get Iris is the daughter of the man who caused so much pain but she did not partake in it & tried to help in what ever way she could. Aria needs to find her own mate cuz at this rate she’s going to end up on Canes bad side.

"I will forever live in that dark memory, Cane. That's part of me, part of you and part of us. How can you get rid of it so easily?" Aria was grieving. "I feel like I am a sinner to hold this grudge alone when all of you praise her for what she had done for us, forgetting about our pain." She was in pain.

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep


Just goes to show you can do the absolute MOST for a man but if you’re not the one, you’re not the one 🤷🏽‍♀️ & you are wasting your precious time & energy. Hope she finds her mate maybe then she’ll leave him alone.

"I made myself clear from the very beginning, Aria. Whatever happened between us, you can't read too deep into it. I don't have a heart to give to you. I gave you the choice, you can take it or leave and I will give you the same choice again now." Cane had never tried to deceive Aria, he had emphasized the same from the very beginning. "You can stay or leave."

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter

Fantasy · i_want_to_sleep


I so can’t wait til she finds out that her “plain” sister did in fact have this man & is currently pregnant by him too 👏🏼

After all, a plain woman like Kate would never have a chance with a man like Henry. It was her life mission to make Kate's life miserable, and she was enjoying every miserable moment of Kate's life. 

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

Urban · ForeverPupa


He probably pocketed her panties & that’s why she can’t find them

Henry only laughed as Kate got up from the bed and searched for her underwear but gave up when she couldn't find it, instead she simply wore her jeans. She then went out to find her shirt and wore it without bothering to put on her bra.

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

Urban · ForeverPupa


She never told her how the queen wanted the painting done so I fear she will still be screwed…

"I will come to collect the sketch in the morning then," Charlotte replied, leaving Anastasia alone.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Now she’s definitely screwed. She lied about being the artist & stole the sketches from her friend smh ooooop

Lady Sophia slipped her hand into her dress pocket and took out a single gold coin. She stretched her hand forward and dropped the coin into the eager maid's palm. Staring at a sketch of a bridge, she stated, "I would like to have a sketch of me made by tomorrow."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


She fudged herself lying about those sketches being hers and I wouldn’t be surprised on how they punish her for that 🤦🏽‍♀️

"The talented maid is here," Princess Niyasa remarked on seeing Charlotte enter the garden. She then said, "What are you doing standing that far away? Come closer."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


So he can’t take the throne because he hasn’t found his soulmate but his father was able to?

At the age of twenty-seven, Dante had not found his Crux, which had put him at a disadvantage of never being able to be the heir to the Blackthorn's throne. Many of them secretly looked at him with pity as they couldn't do it in front of him, as even without a Crux, his very presence and his words intimidated them.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Wait til the realize what they have to do in order to be granted these extravagant gifts..

"And you girls," Madame Minerva pointed at the newly added girls in the room, including Marianne, and said, "Your classes will begin soon. Remember to put your effort, the better are the awards. You see Irina here? Yesterday, she was gifted a golden bracelet."

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Wow so since she didn’t meet the beauty standards she was left to become a servant. I think it’s better than becoming a courtesan though. Sucks that she couldn’t stay with her sister though.

Norrix commented, "Plain as dough. You are destined to be a servant. It seems like you haven't understood what was said and need to be disciplined. Put her in the solitary room," he ordered the other servant. But the servant looked apprehensive as this one was only a young girl. "Have you turned deaf that you can't understand what I said?" He raised his eyebrows in question, and the young girl was dragged away from there and locked in the solitary room.

Garden Of Poison

Garden Of Poison

Fantasy · ash_knight17


Finally she tells him what her lame sister is doing to her to get her way

"She gave our mother a small heart attack that forced her to get treated in the hospital," Kate said. "She did the same thing again yesterday, calling our mother in front of me, and then threatened to say something absolutely shocking to give our mother another heart attack that could kill her. She did all that just because I blocked her credit card."

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

Urban · ForeverPupa


They’ve probably been lying saying she’s the legitimate daughter when in fact she’s a mistress’s daughter. Ahhh she doesn’t want it to be exposed 😂😂

"Let me think about it. We must not let the relationship between her and your father's be exposed. Or else, it will be disastrous!" said Shannon with a face full of resentment.

Chasing My Rejected Wife

Chasing My Rejected Wife

Urban · J.Liu

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