

female LV 3

I simply love to read, I have always been a good reader and I love Webnovel's selection and amazing stories by amazing authors! I am a student and write stories whenever I can for fun.

2019-12-26 Se unió United States
Obras originales
Insignias 7

Moments 330
2 years ago

Just a bit 🤣😭

"J-just a bit. After that, you should get back to work."

Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Fantasy · Gigi_Saga

2 years ago
Replied to Courtney_Moore_4057

More lol.

Ronan felt like he could move his hips freely and had sex all night long with Arielle.  Their lovemaking was so intense and sensual and she had cum for god knows how many times.

Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Fantasy · Gigi_Saga

2 years ago

They do this in public lol, the fact that it isn't known across the whole kingdom is surprising.

"Is there a specific animal you'd like for me to bring?" asked the man while cupping Arielle's downcast face.

Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Loving The Cursed Werewolf King

Fantasy · Gigi_Saga

2 years ago
Replied to DollyRoma

It's killing me!!

At the mention of being taken advantage of, her mind switched back to the memories of that night and how he broke her hymen.

Empress of the Entertainment World

Empress of the Entertainment World

Urban · BaeVida

2 years ago
Replied to TrishaCK123

Huh? Is there another book of Lumina and Deimos?

"His pack follows different traditions than ours and you know how the firstborn must always be male. It is a universal code for all of Alphas and Lunas to strictly abide by and we will face no problem with his. But with Lumina carrying Alpha blood, there was a high chance she could have birthed a firstborn female instead. So he brought back his chosen that he once had hidden away thinking he could use that female's return as a way to battle against traditions for the sake of his Luna. It was a bloody war indeed one that weakened his treasured mate bond."

The Beast's Virgin Claim

The Beast's Virgin Claim

Fantasy · Luna Liz

2 years ago
Replied to bekgarcia

Yeah I'm certainly siding with Phobos on this.

A scream threatens to tear out my throat as I find Castor's head lying in front of his female's feet his eyes wide open and lifeless staring into voidness. His female looks as though she is about to collapse and foul bile climbs up my throat as I sicken and gag turning away from the horrid sight. Phobos had done what he said he would, an eye for an eye seems unfair in this situation I merely received a cut but Castor had his head sliced from his body after enduring unfathomable torture.

The Beast's Virgin Claim

The Beast's Virgin Claim

Fantasy · Luna Liz

2 years ago

There is no consent, why isn't he listening to her at all??

He seizes my face grimly yanking me closer to his own his eyes austere and pitiless as they peer down at me. "Do not tease me, I will not be kind with you if you choose to fill me up with jealousy. You will serve me, Theia. The exact amount you gave him. Am I understood?" Having his swollen cock still impaled within me he takes this to his advantage to shoot a swift but solid thrust into my semen-glazed cunt simply to prove his point earning a small sinful moan from me.

The Beast's Virgin Claim

The Beast's Virgin Claim

Fantasy · Luna Liz

2 years ago
Replied to Nilla2

Yeah I certainly hope she doesn't weigh as much as a whole parliament 🤣🤣😭

Hugo glanced down at me. "Bambi, you weigh like a parliament."

True Alpha's Chosen Mate

True Alpha's Chosen Mate

Fantasy · alienfrommars

2 years ago

I'm just imagining Pedro right now, all wrapped up in this family's drama and probably so confused lol.

She glanced up at me with trembling lips and teary eyes " Y-you are going to leave me "

Taming A Billionaire

Taming A Billionaire

Urban · Glimmy

2 years ago

🤣 he said "stahp"

Guan Yue jumped up and hid behind Ning Chen and Qin Yu's sofa. "Stahp, what are you crying for? What did I do to you? I didn't bully you either."

The Blind Lover

The Blind Lover

Urban · JQK

  • Sealed With Blood original

    Sealed With Blood


    First thing I have to say is that this is a mix between Contemporary Romance and Fantasy Romance, I just picked Fantasy Romance because it seemed to fit the story more. This is not my cover, all rights go to the creator. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~• This is a story about Emily, a girl who lives on a rather small island with a rather small population where everybody knows everybody and most secrets don't last long as a secret. She is a highschool student that is practically perfect, if someone could be perfect. She is Athletic, Smart, Social, and has a crazy tight group of friends, but an important part about her is she has never ever dated someone. She is straight and finds all the boys in her school idiotic, repulsive, not worth it, unmature, jerks, or just not right for her. So she doesn't bother with dating and she focuses on everything else in her life. But what happens when a mysterious new boy suddenly turn Emily's world around? Will she change and accept it? Will she let her guard down? And most importantly what will she learn about him? When new boy Zach comes into her life things change, that's for sure. But is it for better, or worse? •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~• "The most amazing part about him was his mesmerizing eyes.  They were dark, so dark that they could almost be considered black, and they had so much wisdom in them.  You could see emotion in them, though it was almost behind a wall..." "I found it hilarious how every girl was affected by his glance, I mean come on even my friends turned to mush and were memorized by him!" "I feel a strong gaze is on me.  I turn my head and am looking into the eyes of the new boy.  It was mesmerizing, I could feel his eyes practically staring into my very soul and I felt deeply drawn to him and those eyes....." "To my surprise, he gave a little smirk then, as if having found what he was looking for, he walked over to the bleachers and sat down surrounded by his *followers*.

    28 Chs 8 Colecciones

  • Her New Neighbors original

    Her New Neighbors


    15 year old Mýa has lived in the woods with her family for her entire life. She lives with her dad in the first house in the woods, her uncle lives in the second house deeper in the woods, her great grandparents used to live in a house by the opening of the woods and owner a trailer they rented out, and her cousins live the farthest in the woods closest to the river. Her mom died giving birth to her so she lives with her dad and their pets/animals. Her life has always been pretty simple, she would play in the woods, fish, hike, tend gardens, take care of her animals, go boating, have bonfires, play softball, go to school, and always hang out with her family. Things changed, however, when her great grandfather passed away and something needed to be done with his property. After a lot of clean up and repair, it was decided that it was time to sell his house, sheds, and trailer. They happened to find the perfect family of three who wanted to buy all of the property and fix it up. That is where this story starts. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ I had been planning to make this novel for some time but decided to make it now because it fit this contest entry needs. It is a Sweet Love romance that has some funny parts, a modern teen view point, and a independent feminist female lead. I also am working on Sealed With Blood, and I have a book called Coincidentally Fated that is at a bit of a stand still. There are no major misunderstandings or abuse or any type of suggestive parts. This is not my cover, all rights go to the original creator. This is a fast paced book. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ Sneak Peaks "I think it would take a very long time for the neighbor girl to fall for him." He stared at her intensely before asking "So you really have never had a boyfriend before?" "I haven't let any other guy be close to you. I wouldn't want anyone else to have this with you." "Me Too..."

    18 Chs 3 Colecciones

  • Coincidentally Fated original

    Coincidentally Fated

    Fantasy ROMANCE

    Olivia is a 21 year old, business and culinary major and restaurant management minor in college. She goes to a college in her hometown, a small town called Mystchia Hills, where everybody knows everybody and while gossip is everywhere, nothing drastic happens there. She is in her senior year and is ready to start her life. She has everything planned out; her friends, family, starting her restaurant, her job, her house, pets, age she is ready for marriage (if she finds the right guy), basically everything you need she has planned. Then enters the unexpected change, she may have everything planned out, but the new bad boy in her town definitely is not in the plan. The only question is, will he end up affecting her plan? Or will she stay away from him and go on with her life, as best as possible? Only time can tell, but coincidences can impact ones fate. I know this sounds seriously cliche, and there are probably many novels with a similar plot as this one. I have not personally read any like this one I am planning but I'm not saying it is completely unique. I know it sounds like every other story, but this is different, very different and there are surprising things that happen if you are willing to stick with me. I am a somewhat new author, I am working on another book, "Sealed with Blood" and like that one, I don't have a regular update pattern or schedule. I just thought of this and with the motivation still in my brain, and the fact that the motivation amount with "Sealed with Blood" is not going to well, I wanted to start this. I hope you guys are patient with me, and enjoy this novel!!!!! Sincerely, Softball Sis 8

    6 Chs 3 Colecciones