
male LV 4

Sin of sloth

2019-11-30 Se unió France
Insignias 5

Moments 338
10 days ago


Luke and Wednesday looked at each other sideways. This would be a competition. The first one to get to the Hyde and give him the final blow would win.

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07

10 days ago


As he was about to hit them, both Luke and Wednesday created their respective shields. A telekinetic shield and a darkness shield. Both shields joined together and created a stronger one.

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

Wednesday: The Strongest Psychic

TV · Nathe07

18 days ago


That was the first time I saw my father hit my mother. I decided immediately that it was better to just let them be. At least there was no hitting when I wasn't involved.

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)

Movies · FableWeaver

18 days ago
Replied to sco0by_doo

Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble

"She's perfect," I said, looking at my parents hopefully. She had all the requirements they had put for a potential pet: she was hypoallergenic, was potty trained, and was adorable. That last one was a me requirement, but potato, potahto.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Naruto: Faint Smile.

Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER

19 days ago

didn't beatrixe have a child with Voldemort?

Drumming his fingers on the table, the lawyer looked at me with narrowed eyes, scoffed for a short moment, and then revealed, "That's mighty stupid of you. If you play your cards right and your father, uncle, and aunt die in Azkaban in a few years, you'd get the entire house uncontested unless he fathered another bastard and Rudolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange have a child hidden away somewhere. Both Rabastan and Rudolphus are the only male heirs left to my knowledge. No distant cousin could ever argue a better claim on the house and all its riches and influence."

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

19 days ago

mc be like


Most Slytherin second years, who were friends with Isobel like Daphne, Tracey, Natalie, and Isodora, as well as plenty of upper year witches from all houses, were there too. They all pretended to be here for a leisurely sunbathing hour as they caught up with their friends at the start of the school year... but they all stole almost eager glances in my direction.

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

19 days ago


Filius' glare went to Severus as he spat, "Attacked by Death Eaters in the making without getting justice at this school is not enough. Now the poor boy, who has never even heard of his father before, let alone met him, has to suffer the monster's reputation! It's good that he is no longer under your thrall, Albus. I shudder at the thought of what you could make him live through as his guardian in the future! And Severus! If I hear of just one Slytherin insulting the boy for his lineage despite most of your snakes having many known Death Eaters in their own family trees, it will be months of detention! Reign in your little monsters, I've had enough!"

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

19 days ago


"You might not, but even though he technically is no longer a boy, he is still just one 15 year old. If you do care for him, I'd suggest doing more for him before he does it himself or before it is too late. In my long life as a lawyer, I haven't seen a case like this since the war. Either Talion dies unceremoniously in the next attack on him which shouldn't be far off, he gets thrown into Azkaban for life for a crime he didn't commit, or the raven shows his claws and fights back with an intensity that could split our society. He is charismatic enough, and he has tremendous composure and talent."

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

A third son of prophecy (Harry Potter AU / Assassin's Creed lore)

Book&Literature · Nuclide

20 days ago

The brother was on the Ark all his life and he knows how to hunt, create houses, forge weapons..., fight, shoot with a bow, track, farm, and now he knows how to make potions and nobody thinks there's anything weird. And his excuse every time is, i read a book. In two chapter he's going to create nuclear weapons, and he's going to tell us i read it in a book.

" I might not look like it but I know a thing or two about chemistry and botany, I know a couple of plants that grow nearby that have body stimulation effects that when mixed with the fruit will hopefully deliver what I hope will be a much more effective effect." I told them..

The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

TV · God_Of_DepravityX

21 days ago


Infront of him I immediately trew a hook to the side of his face, a jab to his lung, a knuckle gag jab to his throat and then right hook straight to his jaw and he dropped to the ground unconscious.

The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

The Gamer Files: The 100's Gamer.

TV · God_Of_DepravityX