At the front of the venue, seated confidently on a raised stage, was a young, petite woman with a sharp presence. Menchi. Unlike her previous, more revealing attire, she now dressed with a more practical and modest approach. She wore a plain white blouse, concealing her well-endowed figure, yet still showing enough curve to make it obvious. Paired with deep blue jeans, her long, slender legs looked even more defined. But what truly stood out wasn't her appearance—it was the mountainous man standing behind her. His massive, round frame towered over her, wrapped in yellow clothing that did little to hide his enormous belly. Even his oversized outfit couldn't fully contain him, with his stomach peeking out from beneath the hem. His round, cheerful face made him seem almost harmless, if not outright goofy. This was Buhara.
Anime & Comics · InevitableWriter
Gible resembled a young shark, with a massive fin atop its head and two protrusions on the sides. Its body was deep blue, while its lower jaw and belly were red. It had a large mouth with sharp teeth, short and thick limbs with three toes each.
Video Games · Zaelum
Chapter 46, 47
Others · just_a_potato_soul
ThotQueen:This boy is so handsome. I'm ready to give you a free link to my OF. Just message me, boo.
Celebrities · David_Adetola
ThatOneNigga:Mahn, this song slaps. Bro's gonna go places.
Celebrities · David_Adetola
The video opened, and she was immediately captivated by the sight of one of the most handsome guys she'd ever seen. With curly blond hair, dashing blue eyes, and the cutest dimples, he spoke into the camera.
Celebrities · David_Adetola
i bet that vacuum gives insane head
Shizuku ate with a quiet elegance, much different from the average Meteor City resident. The way she held herself was almost delicate, and Ronnel couldn't help but find her beautiful in that moment.
Anime & Comics · tambeerg
As one of the most dangerous worlds in anime, surviving in Hunter x Hunter is no easy task.
Anime & Comics · tambeerg
"Just like yours."
Video Games · Zaelum
I take a steadying breath, lock eyes with the trembling beast, and then growl, "Let me tell you something, you oversized fuck - I'm still Samael, just packing a hell of a lot more Rath than you can handle."
In DC/Young Justice with the Omnitrix/Ultimatrix and a Chat Group
Anime & Comics · Samael_Son_of_Dawn