Webnovel Author: Wheeler4784 - Fanfic Collection



LV 12
2019-11-15 Se unió Global

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Aren't there other uses for bacta like patches or something? Tanks were only for extreme injuries I thought, unless that's just the unit of measurement you chose.

To fully understand this let's look at Bacta tanks. The main use of bacta is to heal, 1 full bacta tank costs 5000 credits, it cost an additional 3000 credits to refill. Each refill includes 300 liters of bacta. We sell 300 litres of bacta for 300 credits. We sell about 9 billion liters to the 2 companies. 585 000 000 to Xucphra and 315 000 000 to Zaltin. So we sell equivalent of 30 million bacta tanks each year alone. That's 2 500 000 Bacta tanks every single month or 750 million credits and litres every single month. If we sold them ourselves for 3000 we would earn 7 500 000 000(7.5 billion) every single fucking month. That's how bad we're robbed.

Star Wars: Senator

Star Wars: Senator

Movies · L0rds2278


Garchomp flies as fast as a jet, don't see why it'd need moonwalk.

Cynthia smiled, "It would've been an issue before but not now! Moonwalk!" Ace cursed as Garchomp smashed through the wind, slamming down a scythe-like claw. Ace shouted, "Substitute!"

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Anime & Comics · AgentMonke

Replied to GuSannBR

ROB be cruel

As the 30-minute mark neared, the spinning wheel began to slow down, the once-blurred symbols becoming more distinct with each passing second. Roberts' breath caught in his throat as the wheel finally, agonizingly, came to a halt.

Naruto: The Hima clan

Naruto: The Hima clan

Anime & Comics · The_Legit_Writer

Replied to thotieslayer


He can remember the page itself but the information on it was not absorbed without reading it

it didn't need my help as it could use human language to quickly understand how to read. So, I watched as it taught itself how to read after flipping through some books. With its perfect memory, all it needed was a look to remember the whole page, so it flipped through the countless books on tech, before pushing them aside and closing its eyes to process all of that information. 

My World Traveling System

My World Traveling System

Anime & Comics · itachi1010


Fear the old in a profession where men die young

"That was a disgraceful demonstration. You four showcased no unity with each other and didn't even attempt to overcome me other than your feeble attempts at Taijutsu. You walked into the battle with a slight bit of arrogance, thinking that I was a weak old man and that you would be able to easily defeat me as long as I fought you head on. But let this me a lesson to each and every one of you. A Shinobi who lives to old age is always a dangerous Shinobi. Now, even though all of you are pathetic right now, I plan to turn you into monsters that will put even the Sannin to shame once I'm done. Now go get breakfast, together, and meet me back here tomorrow morning at the same time. I want you to reflect on this loss and examine what ways you could have won." Danzo said, with him then vanishing, his position replaced by nothing but the wind.

Naruto: True Darkness

Naruto: True Darkness

Anime & Comics · Kingkillerdj2023


good pun

Their conversation gradually shifted back to the matters at hand as they prepared to depart for their meeting with the Hand. The transition from the leisurely pace of breakfast to the urgency of their agenda was seamless, a testament to the adaptability and focus of both leaders.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow


Or to spend it before they die

Within the Foundation, there was a saying passed around that went a long way off. Most people have to try to ensure they don't spend their entire paycheck before the next one comes in. We at the Foundation, however, have to try just as hard to even spend half of ours before a new one comes rolling in.

Marvel: The Foundation

Marvel: The Foundation

Movies · Darkstar_crow


Is the president a robot? sure sounds like one

"Thank you, Raiden. It's certainly an unexpected encounter, but I appreciate your kind words. It sounds like you've been through quite an ordeal. I'm intrigued to hear more about your perspective on recent events. Please, have a seat, and Let's work together to navigate this situation with integrity and uphold the principles of justice." Spoke the President, to Raiden, he then nodded, sat down, and looked around, still weary of the general and guards, he sighed and said "

Fate/DC Universe

Fate/DC Universe

Anime & Comics · Gilgamesh9669

Replied to CornyChiWAH

Man of culture

He knew what Tsunade was talking about but he didn't understand why he kept on analyzing Tsunade and her movements, especially the two big mountains on her chest. Even though they weren't legendary 106 at the moment, they were still bigger than many.

Multiple Talents in Naruto World

Multiple Talents in Naruto World

Anime & Comics · Logical_Dot

Replied to The_Enlightened

What I've seen a couple authors do is to keep writing and finish a plot point then go back to those older chapters to make everything line up

Este libro ha sido eliminado.

The story line is all over the place and the characters need a more consistent personality. You don't necessarily have to rewrite it but going forward make sure to plan.

Este libro ha sido eliminado.

That's not how the periodic table works but, it's just a story after all

"Superman here Bru... Batman, what are these things? There are too many." "I don't know Superman, based on my analysis I can identify that these beings have superhuman strength, speed and resistance, they don't seem to have their own conscience, they are practically monsters. The only thing I could conclude is that they are alien in nature, and I am almost certain that they are following orders by someone or something." Batman replied to Superman, his quick analysis was able to infer that these beasts were made of an organic and inorganic alloy that was not on the periodic table, indicating that they were extraterrestrial external beings.

DC: Spirit of Vengeance

DC: Spirit of Vengeance

Anime & Comics · Tio_Iroh99

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